· Travel
demand modeling
· Attitude-behavior
· Survey
data analyses
· Commercial
vehicle operations
· Traffic safety research
Golob, T.F. and D.A. Hensher (2007). The Trip Chaining Activity of Sydney
Residents: A Cross-Section Assessment by Age Group with a focus on
Seniors. Journal of Transport Geography, in press.
Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and I. Pavlis (2007). Probabilistic Models of Freeway Safety Performance using Traffic Flow Data as Predictors. Journal of Safety Science, in press.
de Abreu e Silva, J., T.F. Golob and K.G. Goulias (2006). Effects of Land Use Characteristics on Residence and Employment Location and Travel Behavior of Urban Adult Workers. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1977: 121-131.
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2005). Trucking Industry preferences for driver
traveler information using wireless Internet-enabled devices. Transportation
Research - Part C: Emerging Technologies, 13: 235-250.
Golob, T.F. and W.W. Recker (2004). A Method for relating type of cash to traffic flow characteristics on urban freeways. Transportation Research - Part A, Policy and Practice, 38: 53-80.
Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and V.M. Alvarez (2004). Safety aspects of freeway weaving sections. Transportation Research – Part A, Policy and Practice, 38: 35-51.
Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and V.M. Alvarez (2004). A Tool to Evaluate the Safety Effects of Changes in Freeway Traffic Flow. Journal of Transportation Engineering – ACSE, 130: 222-230.
Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and V.M. Alvarez (2004). Freeway safety as a function of traffic flow. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 36: 933-946.
D., A. Ghosh, T.F. Golob, C. Kazimi, and D. van Amelsfort (2003). Drivers'
willingness-to-pay to reduce travel time: Evidence from the San Diego I-15
Congestion Pricing Project. Transportation Research, Part A - Policy and
Practice, 37: 372-387.
T.F. (2003). Structural equation modeling for travel behavior research. Transportation
Research, B - Methodological, 37:1-25.
T.F. and W.W. Recker (2003). Relationships among freeway accidents, traffic
flow, weather and lighting conditions. Journal of Transportation Engineering,
129: 342-353.
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2003). Traffic congestion and trucking managers' use of
automated routing and scheduling. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics
and Transportation Review, 39:61-78.
T.F. (2002). Structural equation modeling. Chapter 11, in K. Goulias, ed., Transportation
Systems Planning. Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press.
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2002). The perceived usefulness of different sources of
traffic information to trucking operations. Transportation Research - Part
E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 38:97-116.
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2002). Trucking industry adoption of information
technology: A structural multivariate probit model. Transportation Research
, C - Emerging Technologies, 10:205-228.
J. and T.F. Golob (2002). Consumer E-commerce, virtual accessibility and
sustainable transport. In W.R. Black and P. Nijkamp, eds., Social Change and
Sustainable Transport, 279-285. Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press.
Supernak, J., J.M. Golob, T.F. Golob, C. Kaschade, C. Kazimi, E. Sshreffler and D. Steffey (2002). San Diego’s Interstate 15 Congestion Pricing Project: Attitudinal, behavioral and institutional issues. Transportation Research Record, Journal of the Transportation Research Board 1812: 78-86.
K.W., A. Simma, and T.F. Golob (2001). Pre-commitment and usage: Season
tickets, cars, and travel. European Research in Regional Science,
D., T.F. Golob and C. Kazimi (2001). Modeling non-ignorable attrition and
measurement error in panel surveys: an application to travel demand modeling.
In R.M Groves, D.A. Dillman, J.L. Eltinge and R.J.A. Little, eds. Survey
Nonresponse: New York: Wiley.
J.M. and T.F. Golob (2001). Studying road pricing policy with panel data
analysis: The San Diego I-15 HOT Lanes. In D.A. Hensher, ed. Travel
Behaviour Research: The Leading Edge, 869-883. Oxford, Pergamon.
T.F. (2001). Joint models of attitudes and behavior in evaluation of the San
Diego I-15 Congestion Pricing Project. Transportation Research, A - Policy
and Practice, 35:495-514.
T.F. (2001). TravelBehavior.Com: Activity approaches to modeling the effects of
information technology on personal travel behavior. In D.A. Hensher, ed. Travel
Behaviour Research: The Leading Edge, 145-183. Oxford: Pergamon.
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2001). Impacts of information technology on personal
travel and commercial vehicle operations: Research challenges and
opportunities. Transportation Research, C - Emerging Technologies,
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2001). Impacts of highway congestion on freight
operations: perceptions of trucking industry managers. Transportation
Research, A - Policy and Practice, 35:577-599.
R., T. Akiyama, T. Yamamoto, and T.F. Golob (2001). Accessibility in a
metropolis: Toward a better understanding of land use. Transportation
Research Record 1780: 64-75.
T.F. (2000). A simultaneous model of household activity participation and trip
chain generation. Transportation Research, B - Methodological, 34:
T.F. and A.C. Regan (2000). Freight industry attitudes towards policies to
reduce congestion. Transportation Research, E - Logistics and Transport
Review, 36:55-77.
A.C. and T.F Golob (2000). Trucking industry perceptions of congestion problems
and potential solutions in maritime intermodal operations in California. Transportation
Research, A - Policy and Practice, 34:587-605.
D.A. and T.F. Golob (1999). Searching for policy priories in the formulation of
a freight transport strategy: An analysis of freight industry attitudes toward
policy initiatives. Transportation Research, E - Logistics and Transport
Review, 35:241-267.
A.C. and T.F Golob (1999). Freight operators' perceptions of 1998 survey of
1200 companies operating in California. Transportation Journal , 38:
T.F. (1998). A model of household demand for activity participation and
mobility. In T. Gärling, T. Laitila and K. Westin, eds. Theoretical
Foundations of Travel Choice Modeling: 365-398, Oxford: Pergamon.
T.F. and D.A. Hensher (1998). Greenhouse gas emissions and Australian
commuters' attitudes and behaviour concerning abatement policies and personal
involvement. Transportation Research, Part D, Transport and the Environment,
T.F. and J. Gould (1998). Projecting use of electric vehicles from household
vehicle trials: Trial and Error? Transportation Research, B, 32B:
J. and T.F. Golob (1998). Clean Air Forever? A Longitudinal Analysis of
Opinions About Air Pollution and Electric Vehicles. Transportation Research
- D: Transport and the Environment, 3:157-169.
T.F., D.S. Bunch and D. Brownstone (1997). A vehicle usage forecasting model
based on revealed and stated vehicle type choice and utilization data.
Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 31:69-92.
T.F., and D.A. Hensher (1997). Driver behavior of long-distance truck drivers:
Effects of schedule compliance on drug use and speeding citations. International
Journal of Transport Economics, 23:267-301.
T.F., R. Kitamura and L. Long, eds. (1997). Panels for Transportation
Planning: Methods and Applications. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
T.F., R. Kitamura and J. Supernak (1997). A panel-based evaluation of the San
Diego I-15 Carpool Lanes Project. Chapter Four in T.F. Golob, R. Kitamura and
L. Long, eds., Panels for Transportation Planning: Methods and Applications,
97-128. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
T.F. and M.G. McNally (1997). A model of household interactions in activity
participation and the derived demand for travel. Transportation Research,
T.F., J. Torous, D. Brownstone, S. Crane, D.S. Bunch and M. Bradley (1997).
Commercial fleet demand for alternative fuel vehicles in California. Transportation
Research, 31A:219-233.
J. and T.F. Golob (1997). Shopping without travel or travel without shopping:
An investigation of electronic home shopping. Transport Reviews,
D., D.S. Bunch, T.F. Golob and W. Ren (1996). A vehicle transactions choice
model for use in forecasting demand for alternative-fuel vehicles. Research
in Transportation Economics, 4:87-129.
D.S., D. Brownstone, and T.F. Golob (1996). A dynamic forecasting system for
vehicle markets with clean-fuel vehicles. In D.A. Hensher and J. King, eds., World
Transport Research, 4:189-203.
T.F., S. Kim and W. Ren (1996). How households use different types of vehicles:
A structural driver allocation and usage model. Transportation Research,
D.S., M. Bradley, T.F. Golob, R. Kitamura and G.P. Occhiuzzo (1993). Demand for
clean-fuel personal vehicles in California: A discrete-choice stated preference
study. Transportation Research, 27A:237-253.
T.F., R. Kitamura, M. Bradley and D.S. Bunch (1993). Predicting the market
penetration of electric and clean-fuel vehicles. The Science of the Total
Environment, 134:371-381.
D. and T.F. Golob (1992). The effectiveness of ridesharing incentives:
Discrete-choice models of commuting in Southern California. Regional Science
and Urban Economics, 22:5-24.
Wissen, L.J. and T.F. Golob (1992). A dynamic model of car fuel type choice and
mobility. Transportation Research, 26B:77-96.
G. and T.F. Golob (1990). Using longitudinal methods for analysis of a
short-term transportation demonstration project. Transportation,
T.F. (1990). Structural equation modelling of travel choice dynamics. In P.M.
Jones, ed., Developments in Dynamic and Activity - Based Approaches to
Travel Analysis: 343-370. Aldershot, Hants, England: Gower.
T.F. (1990). The dynamics of travel time expenditures and car ownership
decisions. Transportation Research, 24A: 443-463.
T.F., W.W. Recker and D.W. Levine (1990). Safety of freeway median high
occupancy vehicle lanes: a comparison of aggregate and disaggregate analyses. Accident
Analysis and Prevention, 22:19-34.
Wissen, L.J. and T.F. Golob (1990). Simultaneous equation systems involving
binary choice variables. Geographical Analysis, 22:224-243.