Will Recker
Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
University of California, Irvine


Refereed Journal Publications and Conference Proceedings:

Chen, A., J.-S. Oh, D. Park and W. Recker (2010). Solving the bicriteria traffic equilibrium problem with variable demand and nonlinear path costs, Applied Mathematics and Computation, In press. [pdf]

Zheng, X., W. Recker, and L. Chu (2010). Optimization of control parameters for adaptive traffic-actuated signal control, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14 (2), pp. 95-108. [pdf]

Stephens-Romero, S.D., T.M. Brown, J.E. Kang, W.W. Recker and G.S. Samuelsen, (2010). Systematic planning to optimize investments in hydrogen infrastructure deployment, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 35 (10), pp. 4652-4667. [pdf]

Nesamani, K. S., Lianyu Chu and Will Recker (2010), Policy implications of incorporating hybrid vehicles into high-occupancy vehicle lanes, Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology, Vol. 10, Issue 2, pp. 30-41. [pdf]

Jin, W. and W. W. Recker (2010).  An analytical model of multihop connectivity of inter-vehicle communication systems. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 9(1): pp. 106-112. [pdf]

Pavlis, Y. and W. W. Recker (2009). A mathematical logic approach for the transformation of the linear conditional piece-wise functions of dispersion-and-store and cell transmission traffic flow models into linear mixed integer form. Transportation Science, Vol. 43, No. 1, pp. 1–19. [pdf]

Kang, J. E. and W. W. Recker (2009). An activity-based assessment of the potential impacts of plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEVs) on energy and emissions using one-day travel data. Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment, 14, pp. 541-556. [pdf]

Chen, A., P. Chootinan, and W. Recker (2009). Norm approximation method for handling traffic count inconsistencies in path flow estimator. Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 43, pp.852-872 [pdf]

Chung, C.-L. And W. W. Recker (2009).  An approach to assessing freeway lane management hot spots.  Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2099, pp. 141-150. [pdf]

Recker, W., J. Duan, and H .Wang  (2008). Development of an estimation procedure for an activity-based travel demand model. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 23, pp. 483-501. [pdf]

Yang, X., and W.W. Recker (2008). Evaluation of information applications of a self-organizing distributed traffic information system for a large-scale real-world traffic network. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 23, pp.575-595. [pdf]

Gan, L. P. and W. Recker (2008). A mathematical programming formulation of the Household Activity Rescheduling Problem. Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 42, pp.571-606. [pdf]

Golob, T. F., W. W. Recker and I. Pavlis (2008).  Probabilistic models of freeway safety performance using traffic flow data as predictors. Safety Science, 46, pp. 1306-1333. [pdf]

Recker, W., W.-L. Jin, X. Yang and J. Marca. (2008). Autonet: inter-vehicle communication and network vehicular traffic.  International Journal of Vehicle Information and Communication Systems,1, 3-4, pp 306-319. [pdf]

Liu, H. X., X. He and W. Recker (2007).  Estimation of the time-dependency of values of travel time and its reliability from loop detector data.  Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 41, pp.448-461. [pdf]

Jin, W. and W. Recker (2007). Monte Carlo simulation model of intervehicle communication. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 2000, pp. 8-15. [pdf]

Chen, A., S. Kongsomsaksakul, Z. Zhou, M. Lee and W. Recker (2007). Assessing network vulnerability of degradable transportation systems: An accessibility-based approach. Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of Transportation and Traffic Theory, Elsevier. Edited by M.G.H. Bell, B. Heydecker, and R. Allsop, pp. 236-262.

Chen, A., S. Pravinvongvuth, P. Chootinan, M. Lee and W. Recker (2007). Strategies for selecting additional traffic counts for improving O-D trip table estimation. Transportmetrica, 3(3), 191-211. [pdf]

Yu, X-H. and W. Recker (2006).  Stochastic adaptive control model for traffic signal systems. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 14, pp. 263-282. [pdf]

Yang, X. and W. Recker (2006).  Modeling dynamic vehicle navigation in a self-organizing, peer-to-peer, distributed traffic information system. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Technology, Planning, Operations, Volume 10, Issue 4, pp. 185-204. [pdf]

Yang, X. and W. Recker (2006).  Simulation studies of information propagation in a self-organizing distributed traffic information system. Transportation Research, Part C: Emerging Technologies, 13, 5-6, pp. 370-390. [pdf]

Lee, M., A. Chen, P. Chootinan, W. Laabs, and W. Recker (2006). Modeling network traffic for planning applications in a small community. ASCE Journal of Urban Planning and Development, 132(3), 156-159. [pdf]

Chootinan, P., A. Chen , and W. Recker (2006). improved path flow estimator for estimating origin-destination trip tables, Transportation Research Record, 1923, pp. 9-17.

Brownstone, D., W. Recker and C. Breiland (2006). The impacts of allowing hybrid vehicles and solo toll-paying vehicles in existing high-occupancy vehicle lanes. Proceedings, 11th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, Kyoto, Japan. August 2006.

Chu, L., H.-K. Kim, Y. Chung and W. Recker  (2005).  Evaluation of effectiveness of automated workzone information systems, Transportation Research Record, 1911, pp.73-81.

Jin, W. and W. W. Recker (2006).  Instantaneous information propagation in a traffic stream through inter-vehicle communication.  Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, Volume 40, Issue 3, pp. 230-250. [pdf]

Recker, W., H. M. Zhang, L. Chu, A. Chen, M. McNally (2006).  Development of methods and tools for managing traffic congestion in freeway corridors.  Proceedings, IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society Conference. Toronto, Canada. September 2006.

Nie, Yu, H.M. Zhang and W.W. Recker (2005). Inferring origin–destination trip matrices with a decoupled GLS path flow estimator. Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, Volume 39, Issue 6, July 2005, pp. 497-518. [pdf]

Chen, A., P. Chootinan, and W. Recker (2005).  Examining the quality of synthetic origin–destination trip table estimated by path flow estimator.  Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol 131, No. 7, pp. 506-513; also presented at IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Singapore, September 3-6, 2002. [pdf]

Pavlis Y, and W. Recker (2004). Inconsistencies in the problem of optimal signal control for surface street networks, Proceedings, 7th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Washington DC, U.S.A., October 3-6, 2004, pp. 361-366.

Liu, H. X., W. W. Recker and A. Chen (2004).  Uncovering the contribution of travel time reliability to dynamic route choice using real-time loop data.  Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 38, 435-453. [pdf]

Golob, T. F. and  W. W. Recker (2004).  A method for relating type of crash to traffic flow characteristics on urban freeways.  Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 38, pp. 53-80. [pdf]

Oh, J.-S., C. Cortes and W. Recker (2004).  Effects of less-equilibrated data on travel choice model estimation.  Transportation Research Record, 1831, pp. 131-140.

Golob, T. F.,  W. W. Recker and V. M. Alvarez (2004).  A tool to evaluate the safety effects of changes in freeway traffic flow.  Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 130, no. 2, pp. 222-230. [pdf]

Chu, L., X. Liu., W. Recker, and H. M Zhang (2004).  Performance evaluation of adaptive ramp metering algorithms in paramics simulation. Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 130, no. 3, pp. 330-338. [pdf]

Chu, L, H. X. Liu,  and W. Recker (2004).  Using microscopic simulation to evaluate potential intelligent transportation system strategies under nonrecurrent congestion. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, 1886, pp 76-84.

Golob, T. F., W. W. Recker and V. M. Alvarez (2003).  Safety aspects of freeway weaving sections.  Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 38, pp. 35-51. [pdf]

Golob, T. F., W. W. Recker and V. M. Alvarez (2003).  Freeway safety as a function of traffic flow.  Accident Analysis and Prevention, 36: pp. 933-946. [pdf]

Chu, L, H. X. Liu, J.-S. Oh and W. Recker (2003). A calibration procedure for microscopic traffic simulation.  Proceedings, IEEE 6th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems – Shanghai, October 3-6.

Golob, T. F. and W. W. Recker (2003).  Relationships among urban freeway accidents, traffic flow, weather and lighting conditions.  Journal of Transportation Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, vol. 129, no. 4, pp. 342-353. [pdf]

Chootin, P., A. Chen and W.W. Recker (2002).   Applications of path flow estimator for estimating origin-destination trip tables.  Proceedings, 7th Hong Kong Society of Transportation Studies Conference, December 2002.

Chen, A., Z. Ji and W.W. Recker (2002).   Effect of route choice models on estimation of travel time reliability under demand and supply variations.  Proceedings, First International Symposium on Transportation Network Reliability, Kyoto.

Chen, A., Z. Ji and W.W. Recker (2002).   Travel time reliability with risk-sensitive travelers.  Transportation Research Record, 1783, pp. 178-187.

Chu, L., Liu, X. and W. Recker  (2002).  Capability-Enhanced Paramics simulation with developed API library.   Proceedings, ITS World Congress, Chicago, Illinois.

Chen, A., P. Chootinan and W. Recker (2002).  Examining quality of path flow estimator via total demand scale.  Proceedings, IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Singapore, September 3-6.

Yang, X., L. Chu and W. Recker (2002).  GA-based parameter optimization for the ALINEA ramp metering control.  Proceedings, IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Singapore, September 3-6.

Liu, H., J.-S. Oh and W. Recker (2002).  Adaptive signal control system with on-line performance measure.  Transportation Research Record 1811, pp 131-138.

Abdulhai, B., H. Porwal and W. Recker (2002).   Short term traffic flow prediction using neuro-genetic algorithms.  Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal , Vol. 7, No. 1, pp3-41, January-March 2002. [pdf]

Abdulhai, B., J. Sheu, and W. Recker (2002).  Development and performance evaluation of an ITS-ready microscopic traffic model for Irvine, California.  Intelligent Transportation Systems Journal, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp79-102, January-March 2002. [pdf]

Recker, W.W. (2001).  A bridge between travel demand modeling and activity-based travel analysis. Transportation Research , Part B: Methodological, 35, 481-506. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., C. Chen and M.G. McNally (2001).   Measuring the impact of efficient household travel decisions on potential travel time savings and accessibility gains. Transportation Research, Part A: Policy and Practice, 35, 339-369. [pdf]

Pavlis, Y. and W. Recker  (2001).  A methodological framework for integrated control in corridor networks.  Proceedings, IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Oakland, CA, 637-642. [pdf]

Conroy, P., S. Shladover, J. Dahlgren, W. Recker, S. Ritchie and P. Varaiya. (2000).   Intelligent Transportation Systems: Research products for Public Works Professionals.  Public Works Management & Policy, 5, 1, pp. 3-13.

Recker, W.W. and A. Parimi (1999).   Development of a microscopic activity-based framework for analyzing the potential impact of TCMs on vehicle emissions. Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment, 4, 357-378. [pdf]

Zhang, H. M.  and W. W. Recker  (1999).  On optimal freeway ramp control policies for congested traffic corridors. Transportation Research, Part B: Methodological, 33, 6, 417-436. [pdf]

Sun, C., W. Recker, S. Ritchie, B. Gallagher and J. Thai  (1997).   OAK-TREE: One-of-A-Kind Traffic Research and Education Experiment.   Transportation Research Record, 1603, pp. 106-111.

Leonard, J.D. and W.W. Recker  (1997).   A streamlined methodology for application of TRANSYT-7F.   ITE Journal, 67, 2, pp. 26-35.

Zhang, H., S. Ritchie and W. Recker  (1996).   Some general results on the optimal ramp control problem.   Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 4, 2, pp. 51-69. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., B.V. Ramanathan, X-H Yu, and M.G. McNally  (1995).   Markovian real-time adaptive control of signal systems.   Mathematical and Computer Modelling Journal, 22, 4-7, pp. 355-375.

McDonnell, J., D. Fogel, L. Fogel, C. Rindt and W. Recker   (1995).   Evolving optimal ramp control rules.   International Journal of Expert Systems, 8, 3, pp. 287-308.

McDonnell, J., D. Fogel, C. Rindt, W. Recker and L. Fogel   (1995).   Using evolutionary programming to control metering rates on freeway ramps.   In Evolutionary Algorithms in Management Applications,  J. Biethan and V. Nissen eds., Springer, Berlin, pp. 305-327.

Recker, W.W.  (1995).   Discrete choice with an oddball alternative.   Transportation Research, 29B, 3, pp. 201-211. [pdf]

Recker, W.W. (1995). The Household Activity Pattern Problem: General formulation and solution.   Transportation Research, 29B, 1, pp. 61-77. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., R. Jayakrishnan, S. Ritchie and K.H. Kim (1995).  The California ATMS Testbed Research Program: An Overview.  Proceedings, IVHS America Annual Conference, Washington, D.C.

Cheu, R.L., W.W. Recker and S.G. Ritchie  (1994).   Calibration of INTRAS for simulation of 30-second loop detector output.   Transportation Research Record 1457, pp. 108-116.

Adler, J.L., W.W. Recker and M.G. McNally (1993).   A conflict model and interactive simulator (FASTCARS) for predicting enroute driver behavior in response to real-time traffic condition information.   Transportation , 20, pp. 83-106.

Adler, J.L., M.G. McNally and W.W. Recker (1993).   Interactive simulation for modeling dynamic driver behavior in response to ATIS.   Proceedings of the ASCE Fifth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York, N.Y., pp. 591-598.

Adler, J.L., W.W. Recker and M.G. McNally (1993).   Using interactive simulation to model driver behavior under ATIS.   Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Micrcomputers in Transportation, Baltimore, MD, pp. 344-355.

Ritchie, S.G., R.L. Cheu, and W.W. Recker (1992).   Freeway incident detection using artificial neural networks.   Proceedings, International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications in Transportation Engineering, San Bueneventura, California.

Leonard, J.D., B. Ramanathan and W.W. Recker (1992). A real-time information processing algorithm for the evaluation and implementation of ATMS strategies.  Proceedings, IEEE/SAE Conference on Intelligent Vehicles, Detroit.

Cheu, R.L., S. G. Ritchie, W.W. Recker and B. Bavarian (1991).   Investigation of a neural network model for freeway incident detection.   In Artificial Intelligence and Civil and Structural Engineering, B.H.V. Topping, ed., Civil-Comp Press, pp.267-274

Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and D.W. Levine (1990).   Safety of freeway median high occupancy vehicle lanes:  The comparison of aggregate and disaggregate analyses. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 22, 1, pp. 19-34. [pdf]

Leonard, J.D. and W.W. Recker (1989).   Advances in the PC interface of the TRANSYT-7F traffic simulation model.   Proceedings, 59th Annual Meeting of the Institute of Transportation Engineers, San Diego.

Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and D.W. Levine  (1989).   Safety of High Occupancy Vehicle lanes without physical separation.   ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, 115, 6, pp. 591-607. [pdf]

Levine, D.W., T.F. Golob and W.W. Recker (1988).   Accident migration associated with lane-addition projects on urban freeways.   Traffic Engineering and Control, 29, 12, pp. 624-629.

McNally, M.G., W.W. Recker and R.F. Teal  (1988).   Estimating unmet travel needs using secondary data sources.   Transportation Research Record, 1202, pp. 88-98.

Golob, T.F. and W.W. Recker (1987).   An analysis of truck-involved freeway accidents using log-linear modeling.   Journal of Safety Research, 18, pp. 121-136.

Recker, W.W., T.F. Golob, M.G. McNally and J.D. Leonard  (1987).   Dynamic tests of a time-space model of complex travel behavior. Travel Behavior Research, International Association of Travel Behavior, pp. 27-40.

Golob, T.F. and W.W. Recker (1987).   Dynamic analyses of complex travel behavior using a sample of the Dutch National Mobility Panel.   Proceedings, Round Table Conference on the Analysis of Panel Data, The Hague.

Golob, T.F., W.W. Recker and J.D. Leonard (1987).   An analysis of the severity and incident duration of truck-involved freeway accidents.   Accident Analysis and Prevention, 19, No. 5, pp. 375-395. [pdf]

Golob, T.F., and W.W. Recker (1987). An analysis of the salient characteristics of truck-involved freeway accidents using the method of log-linear modeling.   Journal of Safety Research, 18, No. 3. [pdf]

Leonard, J.D. and W.W. Recker (1987).  A procedure for the assessment of traffic impacts during freeway reconstruction.   Transportation Research Record , 1132, pp. 14-24.

Recker, W.W., G.S. Root and M.G. McNally (1987).  An empirical analysis of urban activity patterns.   Geographical Analysis, 19, 2, pp. 166-181. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., G.S. Root and M.G. McNally (1986).   A model of complex travel behavior:  Part I--theoretical development.   Transportation Research, 20A, 4, pp. 307-318. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., M.G. McNally and G.S. Root (1986).   A Model of complex travel behavior:  Part II--An operational model.   Transportation Research, 20A, 4, pp. 319-330. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., G.S. Root and M.G. McNally (1986).   Classification analysis of traffic improvement sites.   Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 112, TE2, pp. 184-198. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., M.G. McNally and G.S. Root (1985).   Travel/activity analysis:  pattern recognition, classification and interpretation.   Transportation Research, 19A, 4, pp. 279-296. [pdf]

Recker, W.W., M.G. McNally and G.S. Root (1985).   Flyovers and the high flow arterial concept.   Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 111, TE2, pp. 139-154.

Recker, W.W. and M.G. McNally (1985).  An activity-based modeling framework for transportation policy evaluation.   Behavioral Research for Transportation Policy, VNU Science Press, Utrecht, pp. 31-62.

Recker, W.W. and R. Kitamura  (1984).   Activity based travel analysis.   Transportation and Mobility in an Era of Transition, G.R.M. Jansen, P. Nijkamp, and G.J. Ruijgrok, eds., North Holland/Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 157-183.

Recker, W.W., M.G. McNally and G.S. Root (1983). A Methodology for activity-based travel analysis:  The STARCHILD model.   Proceedings, Thirteenth North American Meeting of the Regional Science Association.

Recker, W.W., G.S. Root and M.G. McNally  (1983).  Activity-based approaches to modeling complex travel behavior:  Issues and challenges.   Proceedings, Transportation Planning Research Colloquium, Delft.

Recker, W.W. and H.J. Schuler (1982). Marketing implications of perceptions of transit.   Transportation Engineering Journal of ASCE, 108, TE6, pp. 650-661.

Recker, W.W. and H.J. Schuler (1982).   An integrated analysis of complex travel behavior and urban form indicators.   Urban Geography, 3, 2, pp. 110-120.

Recker, W.W., G.S. Root, and M.G. McNally (1981).   An empirical analysis of the impact of energy restrictions on the execution of activity patterns.   Transportation Research Forum, 22, 1, pp. 80-95.

Root, G.S. and W.W. Recker (1981).   Toward a dynamic model of individual activity pattern formulation.   Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis, S. Carpenter and P. Jones, eds., Gower, pp. 371-382.

Recker, W.W., M.G. McNally and G.S. Root (1981).   Application of pattern recognition theory to activity pattern analysis.   Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis, S. Carpenter and P. Jones, eds., Gower, pp. 434-449.

Recker, W.W. and H.J. Schuler (1981).   Spatial choice and information processing:  A comparison of modeling approaches.   Economic Geography, 57, 4, pp. 373-383.

Gensch, D.H., T.F. Golob and W.W. Recker  (1979).   The multinomial multi-attribute logit choice model.   Journal of Marketing Research, 16, pp. 124-132.

Recker, W.W. and T.F. Golob (1979).   A non-compensatory model of transportation behavior based on sequential consideration of aspects.   Transportation Research, 13B, pp. 269-280. [pdf]

Recker, W.W. and H.J. Schuler (1978).   Sex differences in travel preference and decision making.   Proceedings, Conference on Women's Travel Issues, U.S. Department of Transportation, Washington, DC.

Recker, W.W. and L.P. Kostyniuk (1978).   Factors influencing destination choice for the urban grocery shopping trip.   Transportation, 7, pp. 19-33.

Recker, W.W. and R.F. Stevens (1977). An attitudinal travel demand model for non-work trips of homogeneously constrained segments of a population.   Transportation Research, 11, pp. 167-176. [pdf]

Recker, W.W. and P.H. Edelstein  (1977). Travel demand of an elderly population:  An attitudinal model and some comparisons.   Transportation Research Forum, 18, 1.

Golob, T.F. and W.W. Recker (1977).   Mode choice forecasting using attitudinal data:  A procedure and some results.   Transportation, 6, pp. 265-286.

Recker, W.W. and T.F. Golob (1976).   An attitudinal modal choice model.   Transportation Research, 10, pp. 299-310.

Recker, W.W. and R.F. Stevens (1976).   Attitudinal models of modal choice:  The multinomial case for selected non-work trips.   Transportation, 5, pp. 355-375.

Kostyniuk, L.P. and W.W. Recker  (1976).   Effect of a gasoline shortage on acceptance of modes for the urban grocery shopping trip.   Journal of Environmental Systems, 6, 1, pp. 1-30.

Paaswell, R.E., W.W. Recker and V. Milione (1976).   Profile of a carless population.   Transportation Research Record, 578, pp. 16-28.

Gensch, D.H., T.F. Golob and W.W. Recker  (1976).   Regression is inappropriate for analyzing cross-sectional multiattribute data.   Proceedings, American Marketing Association Conference.

Recker, W.W. and G.C. Lee (1976). Attitudinal variables in civil engineering design.   Journal of Engineering Issues,  Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, 102, TE1, pp. 56-65.

Lung, S. and W. W. Recker (1976). An algorithm for route-deviation service.   Transportation Engineering Journal, Trans. American Society of Civil Engineers, 102, TE1, pp. 161-176.

Recker, W.W. and T.F. Golob  (1975). A behavioral travel demand model incorporating choice constraints.   Advances in Consumer Research, 3, pp. 416-424.

Golob, T.F. and W.W. Recker  (1975).   Attitude-behavior models for public systems planning and design.   Proceedings, American Society of Civil Engineers Specialty Conference on Human Factors in Civil Engineering, Buffalo, N.Y.

Recker, W.W., G.C. Lee and R.E. Paaswell (1974). A Program in Social and Urban Systems Engineering.   Engineering Education.

Paaswell, R.E. and W.W. Recker (1974).   Location of the carless.   Transportation Research Record, 516, pp. 11-20.

Paaswell, R.E. and W.W. Recker (1973).   Accessibility of health care.   Proceedings, 8th Annual Urban Symposium, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 49-58.

Recker, W.W.  (1972).  A difference method for plane problems in magnetoelastodynamics.   Journal of Applied Mechanics, Transactions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 39, 3, pp. 689-695.

Recker, W.W. (1972) A discontinuity expansion solution to plane problems in magnetoelasto- dynamics.   Journal of Sound and Vibration, 23, 1, pp. 41-53.

Leonard, J.W. and W.W. Recker (1972).   Nonlinear dynamics of cables with low initial tension.   Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division, American Society of Civil Engineers, Vol. 98, No. EM2, pp. 293-309.

Recker, W.W. and R.A. Galganski  (1972).   The asymptotic dynamic response of a beam on an elastic foundation to a randomly moving load.   Journal of the Franklin Institute, 293, 1, pp. 47-52.

Paaswell, R.E. and W.W. Recker  (1971).   Computer modeling of a small area transportation service.   Proceedings, 6th Annual Urban Symposium, Association for Computing Machinery, pp. 128-137.

Recker, W.W. (1971) A numerical solution of axisymmetric problems in elastodynamics.   International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering, 3, pp. 361-377.

Recker, W.W. (1971) Series solution to problems in elastodynamics.   Journal of Engineering Mechanics Division.  American Society of Civil Engineers, 97, EM4, pp. 1257-1275.

Recker, W.W. and R. Skop (1971). Plane near-field response of an elastic plate.   Experimental Mechanics, 11,7, pp. 321-324.

Recker, W.W.  (1970)  Asymptotic dynamic response of a taut string on an elastic foundation to a randomly moving load.   Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 48, 1, pp. 313-316.

Recker, W.W.  (1970)  A numerical solution of three-dimensional problems in dynamic elasticity.   Journal of Applied Mechanics,   Transactions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, pp. 116-122.

Recker, W.W.  (1969)  On the dynamic response of an infinite rod to a randomly moving torque.   Journal of Applied Mechanics.  Transactions, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 36,4, pp. 896-897.