Traffic © C.Choi Pearblossum Highway © D.Hockney Vagvisare © S.Persson REPORT FORMAT

LA Skyline Reflex Arc © M.Carlton Gas © E.Hopper

A. General Style Guidelines:
  1. Content Presentation: It's the author's responsibility to convey the required information to the reader, who can not be expected to hunt for tables, figures, or results. If you don't accomplish this, you've failed.
  2. QUALITY not quantity is important. Leave white space, use graphics, and carefully consider the overall appearance of the report.
  3. Writing Style: A report is NOT a 1st person narrative (e.g., I did this, then I ...) nor an excuse for what went wrong (e.g., I tried that but it didn't work, so then I...). The report should be prepared as if it's to be presented to a client who has hired you for analysis and design. Your payment (grade) depends on it!
  4. Independent Review: Have someone read and critique your report.

B. Technical Report Guidelines:

  1. Report Organization: Reports must include (minimally):
    1. Cover Page: with all appropriate information
    2. Table of Contents: with pagination identified
    3. Executive Summary: a freestanding, concise summary of project objectives and results. Freestanding means that the Executive Summary can be extracted and submitted as an independent report.
    4. Report Body: Report content should comprise sections that are clearly labeled, thoughtfully written, and well organized (use an appropriate hierarchy in labeling sections and sub-sections). All tables and figures must be referenced in the text or placed in an identified appendix.
    5. Appendices: (see below).

  2. Report Body Sections: There are two options, depending on the topic and tasks. Most research topics have a single thesis and approach and should thus follow Option 1. Most project topics have multiple tasks and should follow Option 2.

    Option 1 [single thesis/task]

    1. Introduction: A clear and concise summary of the problem and the approach to solving it (may include a brief summary of the subsequent sections of the report)
    2. Methodology: What are the methods, models, and data to be applied? Describe in appropriate detail. Quote relevant literature.
    3. Results: What are the results of your analysis, presented relevant to the defined problem and work tasks? What do they mean?
    4. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations: Provide a summary of the project and of specific results. Draw overall conclusions, in reference to the defined problem and solution approach taken.
    5. References: [Harvard format, e.g, "...Smith (1998)..." or "...some studies (Smith, 1998)..."]
    6. Appendices: Provide documentation of secondary importance. Appendices are not usually read.

    Option 2 [multiple tasks such as CEE123]

    1. Introduction: A clear and concise summary of the problem and the approach to solving it (may include a brief summary of the subsequent sections of the report)
    2. Task 1: define tasks objectives, approach, and results, and then summarize.
    3. Added tasks: repeat as for Task 1; new tasks on new page, preferably in a new tabbed section.
    4. Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations: Same as for Option 1
    5. References: Same as for Option 1
    6. Appendices: Same as for Option 1

  3. Tables and Figures:
    1. Use tables and figures to graphically emphasize and display key material and results. For example, if you have estimated several alternate models, create a summary table that facilitates model comparison. Be sure to include relevant statistics (such as t-scores and coefficients).
    2. Tables and figures must stand alone. Label fully so that the graphic is understandable without referring to the associated text.
    3. All tables and figures must be referenced and discussed in the text. When referring to particular results in a table or figure, try to include them on the same page.
    4. Any results that are not explicitly discussed in the body of the report should be placed in an appendix. Remember, Quality not quantity!

  4. Report Editting: Have a teammate or an external party edit your report. Utilize campus writing resources.

  5. Report Binding: Requirements vary with specific projects. Preferred binding comprehensive projects is a 3-ring binder of sufficient width to allow the material contained to be easily reviewed. All material should be standard 8.5x11 paper (or folded to 8.5x11). Provide suitable section breaks.

  6. Electronic Copy: Submit a CD with an electronic copy (e.g., doc or pdf) of your report as a single, integrated document (depends on specific course). Include a copy of all data. Label the CD!

  7. Presentation: Guidelines will be provided if a presentation is required.
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[ | Last modified: 22 March 2021 | terms of use | © MGMcNally ]