Irene Martinez Josemaria received the second place award on "road" category in TRA VISIONS 2018
The EU-funded competition TRA VISIONS 2018 has just awarded prizes to its young researcher winners at the end of the Opening Ceremony on Monday 16th April (12-12:30pm) of the 2018 Transport Research Arena (TRA 2018). Young researchers from all over Europe submitted innovative concepts in order to enhance smart, sustainable and integrated transport and mobility of people and goods.
Overall, 169 young researchers from 56 different European universities participated in the TRA VISIONS 2018 Student Competition and submitted 122 ideas for the transport modes road, rail, waterborne and cross-modal.
The TRA VISIONS 2018 Young Researchers Competition awarded prizes sponsored by industry (ALICE, ERTRAC, Meyer Werft, SHIFT2RAIL and UITP). In the road sector, the winners were Mareike Hedderich from Munich University of the Federal Armed Forces (Park Spot Routing), Irene Martinez from Universidad Politecnica de Catalunya (Location of Variable Speed Limit application area to avoid capacity drop) and Federico Perrotta from University of Nottingham (Evaluation of road pavements fuel efficiency using truck sensors data).