ITS Irvine at TRB 2020


Faculty and students associated with Institute of Transportation Studies (ITS) at the University of California Irvine will present 21 papers at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board of the National Research Council of the Academies of Engineering and Science, which takes place in January 2020.

We are also hosting a reception for UC Irvine transportation alumni, students, and faculty during the conference. For further details, please contact Youngeun Bae (youngeub at uci dot edu). We are looking forward to seeing you all at the 2020 TRB Night!

Time Session Session Name Title Authors
Monday 8:00 AM-9:45 AM Lecture 1093 Gender and Mobility Through the Course of Life Gender Differences in Travel Patterns of the Elderly in the United States Suman Mitra, Mingqi Yao, Stephen Ritchie
Monday 8:00 AM-9:45 AM Lecture 1103 Electric Vehicle Market Development: Moving to Mainstream Adoption Plug-in Electric Vehicle Diffusion in California: Role of Exposure to New Technology at Home and Work Debapriya Chakraborty, David Bunch, David Brownstone, Bingzheng Xu, Gil Tal
Monday 8:00 AM-9:45 AM Lecture 1120 Traffic Flow Modeling for Connected Automated Vehicles Eco-driving Algorithm with a Moving Bottleneck on a Single Lane Pengyuan Sun, Dingtong Yang, Wenlong Jin
Monday 8:00 AM-9:45 AM Poster 1136 Congestion Pricing and Managed Lane Showcase, Part 1˙ Improving Urban Multi-Modal Transport System through Congestion Pricing and Bus Fleet Sizing: Bi-Modal Network Fundamental Diagram Modeling Approach Irene Martinez, Michael Hyland, Wenlong Jin
Monday 1:30 PM-3:15 PM Lecture 1237 Automated Transportation and Shared Mobility Simulation Framework for Autonomous On-Demand Urban Air Mobility Haleh Ale Ahmad, Hani Mahmassani, Michael Hyland
Monday 1:30 PM-3:15 PM Lecture 1238 Automated Transportation and Shared Mobility Dual-Horizon Forecasts and Repositioning Strategies for Operating Shared Autonomous Mobility Fleets Florian Dandl, Michael Hyland, Klaus Bogenberger, Hani Mahmassani, Northwestern University
Monday 3:45 PM-5:30 PM Lecture 1324 Freight Systems and Marine Transportation Work in Progress?Hybrid Session Lightning Talk: Enhancing Truck Activity Monitoring through the Integration of Bluetooth and Inductive loop Signature Data Yiqiao Li
Monday 3:45 PM-5:30 PM Poster 1333 Travel Modeling Poster Session Modeling Ridesourcing Trip Generation: Chicago Case Study Arash Ghaffar, Suman Mitra, Michael Hyland
Monday 3:45 PM-5:30 PM Poster 1346 Current Issues in Aviation Pooling Transportation Network Company (TNC) Rides to the Airport to Reduce Curbside Congestion Karina Hermawan, Amelia Regan