Signal Timing in a Multimodal Connected Vehicle Environment

Pennsylvania State University
This presentation will introduce a real-time traffic signal control algorithm that utilized trajectory information obtained from connected vehicles. Vehicle-to-infrastructure communications are assumed to provide the location of all connected vehicles near the signalized intersection at regular intervals in time. This information is used to identify the presence of traditional (i.e., non-connected) vehicles that are stopped at the intersection and to group all connected and identified traditional vehicles into naturally occurring platoons. Signal phasing and timing plans are then selected to optimize the sequence that these platoons are able to discharge through the intersection to minimize average delay incurred by all identified vehicles. Several heuristic methods, including intelligent tree search and multiple types of genetic algorithms, are proposed to solve the optimization problem.
Ilgin Guler is an assistant professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Pennsylvania State University. Her research interests include multi-modal urban traffic operations and control, intelligent transportation systems, connected and autonomous vehicles and infrastructure management. She received dual B.S. degrees from Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey in Civil Engineering and Industrial Engineering and Operations Research. She received her M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley in Civil and Environmental Engineering. After completing her Ph.D., she served as a post-doctoral scholar in the Institute of Transport Systems and Planning at ETH Zurich, Switzerland.