Findings from the AAA LongROAD study of older drivers and An Overview of Public Health Intervention from UCSD Training Research and Education for Driving Safety

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UC ITS Mobility Research Program; Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center
05/03/2019 10:30 AM (PDT)
4080 AIR Building
Linda Hill
Linda Hill
Clinical Professor
University of California San Diego

The AAA LongROAD study is the largest prospective older driver study in the world. Recruitment of the 3000 subjects across the country began in 2015, and finished in 2017. Two years of the five years of data collection on each subject has been completed. Independent variables include social factors, physical health, including medications, mental health, cognitive, types of cars, and lifestyle habits (e.g. alcohol, smoking, exercise). Outcomes of interest include driving patterns, safety measures, crashes, injuries, death and driving cessation. The Training, Research and Education for Driving Safety (TREDS) program at UCSD conducts public health interventions to a wide audience, from teens to law enforcement. Examples of these outreach programs will be provided.

Dr. Hill, MD, MPH is a Professor in the Department of Family Medicine and Public Health at UCSD. She is Director of the UCSD/SDSU General Preventive Medicine Residency, and Senior Staff Physician at San Diego Family Care. She is the Director of the UCSD Training, Research and Education for Driving Safety (, and the Center for Human and Urban Mobility, and directs the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety LongROAD study (San Diego site). Her driving safety work is greatly enhanced by the collaborative efforts with colleagues at UCSD, with expertise in robotics, computer science, neuroscience and engineering.