UCI 2nd Graduate Colloquium on Innovation in Transportation

The Second Graduate Colloquium on Innovation in Transportation was held at UCI student center - Doheny Beach Room on January 31. This Colloquium began as a modest effort to primarily bring together UCI transportation graduate students in Sarah Catz's Urban Planning class and other graduate students in the Institute of Transportation Studies, to have planners and engineers discuss the innovations in transportation the world is experiencing and to share and understand different perspectives. Given the great success of the 1st Colloquium we have been able to secure a larger venue and another outstanding panel of speakers:
Rani Narula-Woods, Senior Director of Special Projects at the Office of Extraordinary Innovation at LA Metro. She manages the design and implementation of a new demand-responsive transportation service, Metro MicroTransit.
Ramin Massoumi, Senior Vice President and General Manager - Transportation Systems, Iteris, Inc. (Iteris provides municipalities and government agencies around the world with the necessary design, real-time analytics and actionable informatics to improve mobility within communities and to ready roadways for connected/autonomous vehicles and smart cities.)
Danielle Kochman, Assistant Transit Planner, San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG).