Port Inland Distribution Network: A Transportation-Economic Study of Proposed Container Barge Operation
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12/09/2005 12:30 PM (PST)
Room 3008 in the Calit2 Building
Yossi Berechman
Sauder School of Business University of British Columbia, Canada
Dr. Joseph (Yossi) Berechman is a CN Chair Professor in Transportation and International Logistics, Sauder School of Business, the University of British Columbia, Canada. Dr. Berechman has received his Bachelor degree from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel, and his Master and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. His major research interests are transportation economics and planning, transportation and land use, and policy analysis. He has published numerous journal papers and four books, the most recent one on transportation investment and economic development. Presently, his major interests focus on the evaluation and selection of large scale transportation infrastructure investment projects.