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Ph.D. Completed
  1. Ruey-min Wang, PhD (Civil Engineering)
    "An Activity-based Trip Production Model" (March 1997)
    Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Transportation Management and
    Director, University Research & Development Office, Toko University, Taiwan
  2. Stephen Mattingly, PhD (Civil Engineering)
    "Decision Theory for Performance Evaluation of New Technologies Incorporating Institutional Issues:
    Application to Traffic Control Implementation" (December 1999)
    Co-advisor with R. Jayakrishnan; Assistant Professor, University of Texas, Arlington
  3. Ming S. Lee, PhD (Civil Engineering)
    "Experiments with a Computerized Self-Administered Activity Survey" (March 2001)
    Assistant Professor, University of Alaska, Fairbanks
  4. Michael Greenwald (Urban & Regional Planning)
    "The Road Less Traveled: Land Use and Non-Work Travel Relationships in Portland, Oregon" (2001);
    Co-advisor with Marlon Boarnet; Assistant Professor, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee.
  5. Anup Kulkarni, PhD (Transportation Science)
    "Modeling Activity Pattern Generation and Execution" (March 2002)
    Senior Transportation Analyst, OCTA, Orange, CA
  6. James Marca, PhD (Civil Engineering)
    "Activity-based Transportation Modeling in the Wireless Information Age" (August 2002)
    Post-doctoral Researcher, ITS, Irvine
  7. Craig Rindt, PhD (Civil Engineering)
    "The Tractability and Performance of Microsimulating Human Activity for Transportation Systems Analysis" (Dec 2003);
    Post-doctoral Researcher, ITS, Irvine
  8. Pat McGowen, PhD (Civil Engineering)
    "Predicting Activity Types from GPS and GIS Data" (July 2006)
    Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Montana State University
  9. Yu Zhang (Civil Engineering)
    "Modeling Individual Route Choice with Automated Real-time Vehicle Trip Histories" (December 2006)
    Moffatt & Nichol, Long Beach, CA
  10. K. Nesamani (Transportation Science)
    "Estimating Vehicle Emissions Incorporating the Effect of Network Characteristics on Driving Patterns" (June 2007)
    Air Resources Engineer, California Air Resource Board, Sacramento, CA
  11. Hee Kyung Kim (Civil Engineering)
    "Activity-based Travel Demand Model with Time-use and Microsimulation Incorporating Intra-Household Interactions" (March 2008);
    Associate Research Fellow, The Korea Transport Institute, Korea.
  12. Fatemeh Ranaiefar (Transportation Science)
    "Interregional Commodity Flow Modeling via SEM: The California Statewide Freight Forecasting Model" (December 2013);
    Fehr & Peers, Los Angeles, CA.
  13. Pedro Veiga de Camargo (Transportation Science)
    "ReMuLAA - A New Algorithm for the Route Choice Problem" (March 2014); Maricopa Association of Governments, Phoenix, AZ.
  14. Gaby Abdel-Salam (Transportation Science)
    "Active Travel, Built Environment and Transit Access: A Micro-Analysis of Pedestrian Travel Behavior" (December 2014)
    Co-advisor with Doug Houston.
  15. Seth Contreras (Civil Engineering)
    "Regional Scale Dispersion Modeling and Analysis of Directly Emitted Fine Particulate Matter from Mobile Source Pollutants Using AERMOD" (March 2015); EMBARQ, Mexico City, Mexico.
  16. Rezwana Rafiq (Transportation Science)
    "Analysis of Complex Travel Behavior: A Tour-based Approach" (December 2019)
  17. De'Von Jennings (Civil Engineering)
    "Developing Demand Models for Commuter Rail and Analysis of User Attitudes" (March 2022)
  18. Todd Matsubara (Transportation Science)
    "Transportation Noise Impacts on Residential Property Values in Los Angeles County: A Spatial Hedonic Analysis" (March 2022)
  19. Chenying Qin (Civil Engineering)
    "Modeling Commute Behavior Dynamics in Response to Policy Changes: A Case Study from the COVID-19 Pandemic" (December 2023)
Ph.D. In Progress
  1. Brian Casebolt (Civil Engineering)
Masters Completed (Thesis)
  1. Omar Merheb (June 1990)
    "Impact of Jersey Median Barriers on the Frequency and Severity of Freeway Accidents"
  2. Paula Nohalty (June 1990)
    "A Stated Preference Analysis of Selected Freeway Demand Management Strategies"
  3. Jaclyn Landsman (March 1991)
    "Dynamic Travel Environment Change as an Outcome of Travel Related Stresses"
  4. Situ Dalal (December 1991)
    "Multifamily Residential Parking Demand Study"
  5. Barbara Neenan (December 1991)
    "Interjurisdictional Coordination of Katella Traffic Signals"
  6. Balaji Ramanathan (August 1992)
    "Implementation of a Real-time Information Processing Algorithm in TRANSYT-7F"
  7. Sherry Ryan (December 1992)
    "An Assessment of the Impacts of Neotraditional Neighborhood Design on Suburban Accessibility"
  8. Michael Cohen (December 1992)
    "Analysis of the Potential Benefits of In-Vehicle Navigation Systems to Alleviate Special-Event Congestion"
  9. Tim Byrne (June 1994)
    "Regional Transportation Implications of Neotraditional Neighborhood Design"
  10. Arun Marar (December 1994)
    "An Improved Transit Assignment Algorithm"
  11. Rick Komerska (December 1995)
    "Development of a Modeling Tool for the Preliminary Design of PRT Networks"
  12. Hye Jin Kim (June 1996)
    "Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Discrete Choice Modeling"
  13. Anup Kulkarni (June 1996)
    "The Influence of Land Use and Network Structure on Travel Behavior"
  14. Craig Rindt (December 1996)
    "An Implementation and Evaluation Platform for Integrated Advanced Transportation Management/Information Systems"
  15. Brian Smolke (December 2003)
    "An Evaluation of Freeway Bottlenecks using Microsimulation"
  16. Larry Tay (December 2003)
    "Estimation of Trip Matrices for Traffic Simulation"
  17. Tyler Bonstead (December 2005)
    "Red Cars Reborn: Transforming the Abandoned Pacific Electric Santa Ana Line into a 21st Century Transit System"
  18. Joseph Molinaro (December 2007)
    "Validating an Activity-based Model using GPS-based Travel Surveys"
  19. Courtney Endo (March 2009)
    "The Effectiveness and Accuracy of Traffic Impact Analyses"
  20. David Nyenhuis (June 2012)
    "An Investigation of Factors Influencing Route Choice of Bicyclists"
  21. Chad Kim (March 2013) Transportation Science
    "A Case Study of Transportation Behavior and Analysis at UC Irvine"
  22. Cunxiang (Nicole) Mi (December 2013)
    "Left-Turn Elimination to Improve Network Performance"
  23. Chenying Qin (March 2014)
    "Comparison of Alternate Feedback Methods for the Four-Step Model"
  24. Zhen Li (March 2014)
    "Feedback with Alternate Trip Assignment Approaches in the Four-Step Model"
  25. Xinyun Cao (June 2014)
    "A Performance Assessment of the Elimination of Left-Turns at Selected Intersections"
  26. Biling Liu (August 2014)
    "Off-Street Parking Cost Forecasting Models for Southern California"
  27. Dhanya Kumar (December 2015)
    "Changes in Travel Patterns of Two-person Households in California between 2001 and 2012"
  28. Oluseyi Ojuri (December 2015)
    "Assessing the Impact of SB743 on Transportation Planning, Traffic Impact Analysis, and Level-of-Service"
  29. Andrew Timothy (December 2015)
    "Analysis of the 2000 SCAG Post-Census Regional Travel Survey and the 2012 California Household Travel Survey"
  30. Jennifer Kwong (August 2018)
    "A Direct Demand Model for Commuter Rail Ridership in the San Francisco Bay Area"
  31. De'Von Jennings (March 2019)
    "The Effects of VMT on Travel Demand and Implied Equity Issues"
Masters Completed (Courses)
  1. Sarah Lyu (December 1993)
  2. Siavash Niknafs (June 1993)
  3. Matt Weatherford (March 1994)
  4. Jamie Price (June 1994)
  5. Jian Wang (June 1994)
  6. Dawn Hagerty (June 1995)
  7. Eric Shen (June 1995)
  8. Andrew Nickerson (March 1996)
  9. Jonathan Louie (June 1996)
  10. Daniel Mitchell (June 1998)
  11. David Thomas (June 1998)
  12. Joann Wu (June 1998)
  13. James Roldan (December 1998)
  14. Elizabeth Ballard (August 1999)
  15. Angela Koos (August 2000)
  16. Jamie Lai (June 2001)
  17. Yasuyuki Matsumoto (March 2004)
  18. Elizabeth Geho (Dec 2004) Transportation Science
  19. Sarah Aly (December 2006)
  20. Ankoor Bhagat (December 2007)
  21. Neelam Sharma (June 2009)
  22. Ali Yavari (June 2009)
  23. Ryan Lau (June 2009)
  24. Andrew Polgar (June 2010)
  25. Arianna Valle (March 2011)
  26. Annie Chung (June 2011)
  27. Josh McNeill (June 2012)
  28. Wan-Tzu (Ashley) Lo (June 2012)
  29. Sravanthi Sridhar (June 2012)
  30. Cheng Gong (MSCE/MURP) Sept 2014
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"You are what you learn... A person changes at a fundamental level as he or she merges with a particular field of knowledge.
If you don't like who you are, you have the option of learning until you become someone else.
There's almost nothing you can't learn your way out of."
Scott Adams

"I want to specialize -- I want to learn more and more about less and less,
so that eventually I'll know absolutely everything about absolutely nothing."

"My pocket book is empty, and my heart is full of pain,
I'm a thousand miles away from home, just waiting for a train."
Jimmie Rodgers (1929)

... Continuously evolving ...

[ Last modified: 15 March 2024 | terms of use | © mgm ]