Integration and Field Operational Test
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CARTESIUS and CTNet: Integration and Field Operational Test
M. G. McNally <mmcnally@uci.edu>
Craig Rindt <crindt@translab.its.uci.edu>
Institute of Transportation Studies and
Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering
University of California Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3600 USA
CARTESIUS, a multi-agent, real-time expert system for congestion management, is
linked with CTNet, software for monitoring and controling traffic signals
[ Project Summary (pdf) ].
Funded by California PATH.
Overview of CARTESIUS and CTNet Integration
Non-recurrent congestion presents a difficult problem for existing localized
automated traffic control systems such as the Caltrans Traffic Signal Management
and Surveillance System (CTNET). These systems operate with control parameters
that are fine-tuned to meet the normal demands of recurrent congestion in the
system. Incidents in the system can create disturbances that are beyond the
control of such localized systems, rendering them incapable of mitigating the
resultant delays. This creates a compelling justificaion for interfacing the
CTNET signal control subsystem with a global traffic management subsystem to
develop a general corridor traffic management architecture that can dynamically
respond to inidents in the system. CARTESIUS is such a tool.
The proposed research is a two year project to first integrate these CARTESIUS
and CTNET projects to produce a functioning traffic management system and then
evaluate the integrated system under controlled conditions in a field operational
test. The research in the first year will involve extensive study of both CARTESIUS
and CTNET to develop a software integration plan which will be carried out to produce
a working laboratory prototype. The second year of research will involve a field
operational test of CARTESIUS that uses a freeway management agent, the integrated
CARTESIUS/CTNET agent, and possibly an additional municipal CARTESIUS agent.
corridor traffic control, congestion management, realtime data.
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CARTESIUS and CTNet Application
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- Rindt,CR and McNally,MG (2008).
"Cartesius and CTNET: Integration and Field Operational Test",
Final Report for PATH TO 5324
- Caltrans (2007). "Development and Deployment of a Corridor Management Prototype"
Research Notes, September 2007.
- McNally,MG, Logi,F, and Rindt,CR (2002). TRICEPS/CARTESIUS:
A Real-time Integrated ATMS, California PATH Research Report
UCB-ITS-PRR-2002-9, MOU 346, PATH, Richmond, CA. [pdf]
- Logi,F, Rindt,CR, McNally,MG, and Ritchie,SG (2001).
"TRICEPS/CARTESIUS: An ATMS Testbed Implementation for Evaluation
of Inter-Jurisdictional Traffic Management Strategies",
Transportation Research Record 1748, pp.125-131.
[ WP-00-20 ].
- Logi,F, Ritchie,SG, and McNally,MG (2000). "Evaluation of
Inter-jurisdictional Cooperation Strategies for ATMS/ATIS
Deployment", ITS World Congress, Torino, Italy. [pdf]
- McNally,MG, Rindt,CR, and Logi,F (1999). TRICEPS: An ATMIS
Field Implementation for Control and Evaluation, California
PATH Report to Caltrans 99-C2, MOU 281, PATH, Berkeley, CA. [pdf]
- Logi,F (1999). Cartesius: A Cooperative Approach to Real-time
Decision Support for Multi-jurisdictional Traffic Congestion
Management, unpublished PhD dissertation, Department of Civil
and Environmental Engineering, UCI [pdf]
- Rindt,CR, Jayakrishnan,R, and McNally,MG (1998). "Implementation
of a real-time integrated control system in a freeway/arterial
corridor", in Papageogiou,M and Pouliezos,A (eds.) Transportation
Systems 1997 - A Proceedings Volume from the 8th IFAC Symposium,
Chania, Greece, Pergamon, pp. 1097-1102. [pdf]
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... Continuously evolving ...
[ © mgm | last revised 11 September 2007 ]