Traffic © Chris Choi Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine
CEE 123 Transportation Systems III: Planning and Forecasting

Spring 2024 [Course Code: 15450]
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu>
Overview Schedule Notes Homework Project Exams Links Home

  Quote of the Week:
""The road is always better than the inn." Cervantes "Don Quixote" (1605)
Final Final Exam on Monday, June 10th [4-6 pm]
Week 10 Evaluation: Performance; Project Evaluation
Week 9 Trip Assignment: Algorithms; Performance Evaluation [ HW 8 ]
Week 8 Trip Distribution; Trip Table Adjustments [ HW 7 ]
Week 7 Trip Distribution: Examples & Calibration [ HW 6 ]
Week 6 Trip Generation and Distribution: Connections [ Sample Midterm ]
Week 5 Trip Generation: Overview [ HW 5 Trip Generation ]
Week 4 Framework for Travel Forecasting: Travel Behavior & Trip Characteristics; Four Step Model
Week 3 Manheim's TSA: TSA provides a framework for the analytical portion of the Transportation Planning Process; Performance Functions Performance Notes ; [ HW 4 Equilibration ].
Week 2 Transport Planning: The summary of current Transportation Problems leads to an overview of the Transportation Planning Process. A simple example leads to extensions for realistic networks and to shortest paths. [ HW 3 Paths ]
Week 1 Systems and Networks: After presenting course requirements, an overview of transportation systems and networks is presented, leading to the lab project. [ HW 1 Review ; HW 2 TPP ]
Quarter Prep There are two course web sites: Canvas (for quizzes and the lab project) and the regular site on my home page (for the course schedule, course notes, assignments and solutions, and all other course material). Site information will be updated throughout the quarter so please review the general organization. I will use the Course Schedule to document lecture topics, assignments and due dates, and all other relevant course material, so be sure to check this page everyday prior to class.
Prerequisites CEE 123 has pre-requisites. Review requirements and complete HW 1 Review by April 8th.

[ CEE 123 Home | Last modified: 3 June 2024 | terms of use | © mgm ]