Project 1. PopulationSim
PopulationSim is an open platform for population synthesis and survey weighting.
The objective of a population synthesizer is to generate a synthetic population
for a modeling region. The main outputs include lists of persons and households
representing the entire regional population. These databases include household-
and person-level attributes (including household income and size, housing type,
and number of vehicles, and person attributes including age, gender, and occupation.
PopulationSim: Documentation and Download
Project 2. VERPAT
VERPAT is a tool for evaluating the impact of various smart growth policies.
VERPAT provides high-level regional evaluation of smart growth policies at a
project or alternative level in a regional transportation plan. Currently,
VERPAT can provide information on the following changes in the regional system:
- Built Environment - changes to the urban form (proportion of population and employment
living in mixed-use areas, transit-oriented developments, or rural/greenfield areas)
- Travel Demand - changes in population demographics (age structure), changes in personal
income, changes in firms by size or industry, relative amounts of development occurring
in urban core, close-in communities, suburban or rural areas, urban core, auto and light
truck proportions by year, and induced demand
- Transportation Supply - amounts of regional transit service, amounts of freeway and arterial capacity
- Policies - pricing (vehicle miles traveled charges or parking pricing programs),
intelligent transportation system (ITS) strategies for freeways and arterials,
demand management (vanpool, telecommuting, ridesharing, and transit pass programs)
VERPAT: Documentation and Download
Project 3. Other
UrbanSim is a platform for simulating urban real estate markets and their interaction
with transportation. It is part of a The Urban Data Science Toolkit (UDST), a portfolio of
open source urban analysis tools. This suite and other open source packages are available for
teams to select.
UrbanSim: Urban Development Science Toolkit
Project teams will be formed in Week 1.