Vagvisare © S.Persson Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine

Course References
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <mmcnally_at_uci_dot_edu>


Note: This reference list has become a bit dated. While many of the references are old, they are still appropriate first references for a first class in transportation networks. However, when seeking references on the state-of-the-art, please conduct an appropriate search.

1. General Background References

1.1  Florian,M and Gaudry,M (1980). "A Conceptual Framework for the Supply 
     Side in Transportation Systems," Transportation Research B, 14B, 1-8.

1.2  Florian,M and Gaudry,M (1983). "Transportation Systems Analysis: 
     Illustrations and Extensions of a Conceptual Framework," 
     Transportation Research B, 17B(2), 147-153.

1.3  Florian,M, Gaudry,M, and Lardinois,C (1988). "A Two-Dimensional 
     Framework for the Understanding of Transportation Planning Models", 
     Transportation Research B, 22B(6), 411-419.

1.4  Fernandez,JE and Friesz,TL (1983). "Equilibrium Predictions in 
     Transportation Markets: The State-of-the-Art", Transportation
     Research A, 17B(2), 155-172.

1.5  Manheim,ML (1980). "Understanding 'Supply' in Transportation Systems", 
     Transportation Research A, 14A, 119-135.

1.6  Manheim,ML (1979). Fundamentals of Transportation Systems Analysis, MIT Press.
     Chapter  1. The Challenge of Transportation Systems Analysis, pp.10-49.
     Chapter  8. Equilibrium, pp.312-329.
     Chapter 12. Travel Market Equilibration in Networks, pp.464-504.

1.7  Ortuzar,JdeD and Willumsen,L (1995). Modelling Transport, Wiley.

2. General Network References

2.1  French,S, Hartley,R, Thomas,LC, and White,DJ (1986).
     Operational Research Techniques, Edward Arnold.
     Chapter 2. Linear Programming 
     Chapter 3. Transportation Problems
     Chapter 7. Optimal Routing.

2.2  Larson,R and Odoni, A (1981). Urban Operations Research, Prentice Hall.
     Chapter 6:  Introduction and section 6.1.

2.3  Hillier,FS & Lieberman,GJ (1990). Introduction to Operations Research, McGraw Hill.

2.4  Bradley,SP, Hax,AC, and Magnanti,TL (1977). Applied Mathematical Programming, 

2.5  Greenberg,MR (1978) Applied Linear Programming for the Socioeconomic 
     and Environmental Sciences, Academic Press.

2.6  Phillips,D and Garcia-Diaz, A (1981). Fundamentals of Network Analysis, 
     Prentice Hall.

2.7  Jensen,PA and Barnes,JW (1980). Network Flow Programming, Wiley.

2.8  Ossenbruggen,P (1984). Systems Analysis for Civil Engineers, Wiley.

2.9  Smith,AA, Hinton,E, and Lewis,RW (1983). 
     Civil Engineering Systems Analysis & Design, Wiley.

2.10 Ford,LR and Fulkerson,DR (1962). Flows in Networks, Princeton University Press.

2.11 Frank,M and Wolfe,P (1956). An Algorithm for Quadratic Programming, 
     Naval Research Logistics Quarterly, 3(1-2), 95-110.

2.12 Hitchcock,FL (1941). "The Distribution of a Product from Several Sources 
     to Numerous Localities," Journal of Mathematical Physics, 20, 224-230.

2.13 Little,JDC "An Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem", 
     Operations Research, 11(5), 972-978.

2.14 Daskin,MS (1985). "Logistics: An Overview of the State-of-the-Art and 
     Perspectives on Future Research," Transportation Research, 19A, 383-398.

2.15 Golden,BL and Baker,EK (1985). "Future Directions in Logistics Research", 
     Transportation Research, 19A, 405-409.

2.16 Friesz,TL (1985). "Transportation Network Equilibrium, Design, and
     Aggregation: Key Developments and Research Opportunities,"
     Transportation Research, 19A, 413-427.

2.17 Lamb,GM and Havers,GE (1970). "Introduction to Transportation Planning: 
     Treatment of Networks", Traffic Engineering and Control, 11(10), 486-489.

2.18 Ahuja,RK,Magnanti,TL, and Orlin,JB (1993). Network Flows, Prentice Hall.

2.19 Evans, and Minieka,E (1992). Optimization Algorithms for Networks and Graphs, 

2.20 Teodorovic,D (1986). Transportation Networks, Gordon and Breach.

2.21 Patriksson,M (1994). The Traffic Assignment Problem: Models and Methods, VSP.

2.22 Thomas,R (1991). Traffic Assignment Techniques, Avebury, Aldershot, England.

2.23 Bell,MGH and Iida,Y (1997). Transportation Network Analysis, Wiley, England.

Graph Theoretic Applications

2.51 Berge,C (1962). The Theory of Graphs and Its Applications, Wiley, NY.

2.52 Marshall,CW (1971). "Applied Graph Theory". Wiley Interscience.

2.53 Maxwell,LM, Reed,MB (1971). "The Theory of Graphs: A Basis for Network Theory". 
     Pergamon Press, New York.

2.54 Tutte,WT (1984). "Graph Theory".  Encyclopedia of Mathematics and its 
     Applications, Volume 21, Addison-Wesley.

2.55 Wilson,RJ (1985). Introduction to Graph Theory, Wiley, NY.

2.56 Wright,C, Appa,G, and Jarrett,D (1989). "Graph Theory and Traffic Management: 
     A Review of Recent Progress and Some Potential Applications",  
     Traffic Engineering and Control, 30, 6.

3. Link Performance Functions

3.1  Akcelik,R (1978). "A New Look at Davidson's Travel Time Function", 
     Traffic Engineering and Control, 19, 459-463.

3.2  Boyce,D, Janson,B, and Eash,R (1981). "The Effect on Equilibrium Trip Assignment 
     of Different Link Congestion Functions", Transportation Research, 15A, 223-232.

3.3  Branston,D (1976). "Link Capacity Functions: A Review,"
     Transportation Research, 10(4), 223-236.

3.4  Daganzo,C (1977a). "On the Traffic Assignment Problem with
     Flow Dependent Costs - I", Transportation Research, 11, 433-437.

3.5  Daganzo,C (1977b). "On the Traffic Assignment Problem with
     Flow Dependent Costs - II", Transportation Research, 11, 439-441.

3.6  Davidson,KB (1966). "A Flow-Travel Time Relationship for Use in Transportation 
     Planning," Proceedings, Australian Road Research Board, 3, 183-194.

3.7  Davidson,KB (1978). "The Theoretical Basis of a Flow Travel-Time Relationship 
     for Use in Transportation Planning", Australian Road Research, 8, 32-35.

3.8  Spiess,H (19  ). "Conical Volume-Delay Functions", Technical Note,
     Transportation Science, 24, 2, 153-158.

3.9  Taylor,M (1984). "A Note on Using Davidson's Function in Equilibrium Assignment", 
     Transportation Research, 18B, 181-199.

4. Shortest Path References

4.1  Ahuja,RK, Magnanti,TL, and Orlin,JB (1989). "Network Flows",
     Chapter 6 of "Optimization", in Nemhauser,GL, Rinnooy Kan,AHG,
     and Todd,MJ (eds). Handbook of Operations Research and
     Management, Volume 1, North-Holland.

4.2  Ahuja,RK, Melhorn,K, Orlin,JB, and Tarjan,RE (1990). "Faster
     Algorithms for the Shortest Path Problem", Journal of the
     Association of Computing Machinery, 37, 2, 213-223.

4.3  Christofides,N (1975). Graph Theory: An Algorithmic Approach,
     Academic Press, NY.

4.4  Denardo,EV and Fox,BL (1979). "Shortest Route Methods: 1.
     Reaching, Pruning and Buckets", Operation Research, 27, 1.

4.5  Deo,N and Pang,C (1984). "Shortest Path Algorithms: Taxonomy
     and Annotation", Networks, 14, 275-323.

4.6  Dial,R, Glover,F, Karney,D, and Klingman,D (1979). "A Computational 
     Analysis of Alternative Algorithm and Labelling Techniques for 
     Finding Shortest Path Trees", Networks, 9, 215-248.

4.7  Dijkstra,E (1959). "A Note on Two Problems in Connection with
     Graphs", Numerische Mathematik, 1, 269-271.

4.8  Dreyfus,SE (1969). "An Appraisal of Some Shortest Path Algorithms", 
     Operation Research, 17, 3, 395-412.

4.9  Florian,M, Nguyen,S, and Pallotino,S (1981). "A Dual Simplex
     Algorithm for Finding all Shortest Paths", Networks, 11, 367-378.

4.10 Floyd, RW (1962). "Algorithm 97 - Shortest Path", Communications of ACM, 5, 345.

4.11 Fox, BL (1978). "Data Structures and Computer Science Techniques in 
     Operations Research", Operations Research, 26, 5.

4.12 Glover,F, Klingman,D, and Phillips,N (1985). "A New Polynomially-bounded 
     Shortest Path Algorithm", Operations Research, 33, 65-73.

4.13 Lawler,E (1976). Combinatorial Optimization: Networks and Matroids, 
     Holt, Reinhart and Winston, NY.

4.14 Minieka,E (1978). Optimization Algorithms for Networks and
     Graphs, Marcel-Dekker.

4.15 Moore,EF (1957). "The Shortest Path Through a Maze,"
     Proceedings of the International Symposium on the Theory of
     Switching, Part II, Harvard University Press, 285-292.

4.16 Pallotino,S (1984). "Shortest Path Methods: Complexity,
     Interrelationships and New Propositions", Networks, 14, 257-267.

4.17 Pape,U (1974). "Implementation and Efficiency of Moore-Algorithms for 
     the Shortest Route Problem", Mathematical Programming, 7(2), 212-222.

4.18 Pierce,AR (1975). "Bibliography of Algorithms for Shortest
     Path, Shortest Spanning Tree, and Related Circuit Routing
     Problems (1956-74)," Networks, 5, 129-149.

4.19 Shier,DR (1974). "Computational Experience with an Algorithm
     for Finding the K Shortest Paths in a Network" Journal of
     Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 78B(3).

4.20 Shier,D and Witzgall,C (1981). "Properties of Labelling
     Methods for Determining Shortest Path Trees", Journal of
     Research of the National Bureau of Standards, 86, 317-330.

4.21 Tarjan,RE (1983). Data Structures and Network Algorithms, Monograph, 
     Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia.

4.22 Van Vliet, D (1978). "Improved Shortest Path Algorithms for Transport", 
     Transportation Research, 12, 1, 7-20.

4.23 Cherkassky,BV, Goldberg,AV, and Radzik,T (1996). "Shortest Path Algorithms: 
     Theory and Experimental Evaluation", Mathematical Programming, 73, 129-174.

4.24 Gallo,G and Pallotino,S (1988). "Shortest Path Algorithms",
     Annals of Operation Research, 13, 3-79.

4.25 Pallotino,S and Scutella,MG (1997). "Shortest Path Algorithms in 
     Transportation Models: Classical and Innovative Aspects", in Proceedings 
     of the Equilibrium and Advanced Transportation Modelling Colloquium, Klumer.

5. Traffic Assignment Techniques References

5.1  Beckmann,M, McGuire,CB, and Winsten,C (1956). Studies in the
     Economics of Transportation, Yale University Press, New Haven.

5.2  Florian,MA,ed. (1976). Traffic Equilibrium Methods, Lecture
     Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems 118, Springer-Verlag.

5.3  Newell,GF (1981). Traffic Flow on Transportation Networks, MIT Press.
     Chapter 2: Mathematical Abstractions.

5.4  Potts,RB and Oliver,RM (1972). Flows in Transportation Networks,
     Academic Press. [Chapter II: Elements of Network Theory]

5.5  Sheffi,Y.(1985). Urban Transportation Networks, Prentice Hall

5.6  Thomas,R (1991). Traffic Assignment Techniques, Avebury Technical, Aldershot.

5.7  Wardrop,JG (1952). "Some Theoretical Aspects of Road Traffic Research", 
     Proceedings of the Institute of Civil Engineers, 1, Part II, 325-378.

5.8  Akcelik,R (1979). "A Graphical Explanation of the Two Principles and Two 
     Techniques of Traffic Assignment", Transportation Research, 13A(3), 179-184.

Algorithms -- Non-Equilibrium

5.11 Branston,D (1976). "Link Capacity Functions: A Review,"
     Transportation Research, 10(4), 223-236.

5.12 Burrell,JE (1968). "Multipath Route Assignment and Its Application to 
     Capacity Restraint," Proceedings, 4th International Symposium on the 
     Theory of Road Traffic Flow, Karlsruhe, Germany.

5.13 Dial,RB (1971). "A Probabilistic Multipath Traffic Assignment Model Which 
     Obviates Path Enumeration," Transportation Research, 5(2), 83-111.

5.14 Ferland,J, Florian,M, and Achim,C (1975). "On Incremental Methods for 
     Traffic Assignment",  Transportation Research, 9, 237-239.

5.15 Florian,M and Nguyen,S (1974). "A New Look at Some Old Problems in 
     Transportation Planning", Summer Annual Meeting, PTRC, Warwick,England.

5.16 Matsoukis,EC (1986). "Road Traffic Assignment - A Review. Part I. 
     Non-Equilibrium Methods," Transportation Planning and Technology, 11, 69-79.

Algorithms -- Equilibrium

5.21 Florian,M and Nguyen,S (1976). "An Application and Validation of 
     Equilibrium Trip Assignment Methods", Transportation Science, 10, 374-389.

5.22 LeBlanc,LJ (1973). "Mathematical programming Algorithms for Large Scale 
     Network Equilibrium and Network Design Problems", unpublished PhD dissertation, 
     Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern.

5.23 LeBlanc,LJ, Morlok,EK, and Pierskalla,WP (1975). "An Efficient Approach to 
     Solving the Road Network Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Problem," 
     Transportation Research, 9, 309-318.

5.24 Matsoukis,EC and Michalopoulos,PC (1986). "Road Traffic Assignment - 
     A Review. Part II. Equilibrium Methods," Transportation Planning and 
     Technology, 11, 117-135.

5.25 Nguyen,S (1974). "An Algorithm for the Traffic Assignment Problem", 
     Transportation Science, 8(3), 203-216.

5.26 Smith,MJ (1979). "The Existence, Uniqueness, and Stability of Traffic 
     Equilibria," Transportation Research, 13B, 295-304.

Algorithms -- Reviews

5.31 Matsoukis,EC (1986). "Road Traffic Assignment - A Review. Part I. 
     Non-Equilibrium Methods," Transportation Planning and Technology, 11, 69-79.

5.32 Matsoukis,EC and Michalopoulos,PC (1986). "Road Traffic Assignment - 
     A Review. Part II. Equilibrium Methods," Transportation Planning and 
     Technology, 11, 117-135.

5.33 van Vliet,D (1976a). "Road Assignment - I. Principles and Parameters of 
     Model Formulation," Transportation Research, 10(3), 137-143.

5.34 van Vliet,D (1976b). "Road Assignment - II," Transp Research, 10(3), 144-149.

5.35 van Vliet,D (1976c). "Road Assignment - III. Comparative Tests of Stochastic 
     Methods," Transportation Research, 10(3), 151-157.

5.36 van Vliet,D and Dow,PC (1979a). "Capacity Restrained Road Assignment 1. 
     The Convergence of Stochastic Methods," Traf Engng and Control, 20, 296-299.

5.37 van Vliet,D and Dow,PC (1979b). "Capacity Restrained Road Assignment 2. 
     Equilibrium Methods," Traffic Engineering and Control, 20, 299-303.

5.38 van Vliet,D and Dow,PC (1979a). "Capacity Restrained Road Assignment 3. 
     Improved Equilibrium Methods," Traffic Engineering and Control, 20, 303-305.

6. Paradoxes of Traffic Flow

6.1  Braess,D (1968). "Uber ein Paradox der Verkehrplanung," 
     Unternehmenstorchung, 12, 258-268.

6.2  Dafermos,S and Nagurney,A (1984). "On Some Traffic Equilibrium Theory Paradoxes", 
     Transportation Research, 18B(2), 101-110.

6.3  Fisk,C (1979). "More Paradoxes in the Equilibrium Assignment Problem", 
     Transportation Research, 13B, 305-309.

6.4  Fisk,C and Pallotino,S (1981). "Empirical Evidence for Equilibrium Paradoxes 
     with Implications for Optimal Planning Strategies," Trans Research, 15A, 245-248.

6.5  Murchland,JD (1970). "Braess's Paradox of Traffic Flow,"
     Transportation Research, 4(4), 391-394.

6.6  Sheffi,Y and Daganzo,CF (1978). "Another 'Paradox' of Traffic Flow",
     Transportation Research, 12(1), 43-46.

6.7  Steinberg,R and Stone,RE (1988). "The Prevalence of Paradoxes in Traffic 
     Equilibrium Problems," Transportation Science, 22(4),231-241.

6.8  Steinberg,R and Zangwill,WI (1983). "The Prevalence of Braess' Paradox", 
     Transportation Science, 17, 301-318.

6.9  Stewart,N (1980). "Equilibrium versus System-Optimal Flow: Some Examples", 
     Transportation Research, 14A, 81-84.

7. The Network Design Problem

7.1  Abdulaal,M and LeBlanc,L (1979). "Continuous Equilibrium Network Design Models", 
     Transportation Research, 13B, 19-32.

7.2  LeBlanc,L (1975). "An Algorithm for the Discrete Network Design Problem", 
     Transportation Science, 9,183-199.

7.3  LeBlanc,L and Abdulaal,M (1984). "A Comparison of User-Optimum versus 
     System-Optimum Traffic Assignment in Transportation Network Design", 
     Transportation Research B, 18B, 115-121.

7.4  Magnanti,TL and Wong,TR (1984). "Network Design and Transportation Planning: 
     Models and Algorithms", Transportation Science, 18, 1, 1-55.

8. Generating Origin-Destination Matrices

8.1  Robillard,P (1975). "Estimating the O-D Matrix from Observed Link Volumes", 
     Transportation Research, 9, 2/3, 123-128.

8.2  Willumsen,LG (1978). "Estimation of an O-D matrix from Traffic Counts: A Review", 
     Working Paper 99, Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds.

8.3  Willumsen,LG (1984). "Estimating Time-dependent Trip Matrices from Traffic Counts",
     Proceedings of the Ninth International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic 
     Theory, VNU Science Press, Utrecht, pp. 397-411.

8.4  Van Zuylen,H and Willumsen,LG (1980). "The Most Likely Trip Matrix Estimated 
     from Traffic Counts", Transportation Research, 14B(3), 281-293.

8.5  Chang,G-L "Approaches to estimating O-D flows from link traffic counts", 
     FHWA Workshop.

8.6  Bell,MGH (1991). "The real time estimation of origin-destination flows in the 
     presence of platoon dispersion", Transportation Research, 25B(2/3), 115-125.

8.7  Janson,BN and Southworth,F (1992). "Estimating departure times form traffic 
     counts using dynamic assignment", Transportation Research, 26B, 3-16.

8.8  Jayakrishnan,R, Tsai,WK, and Chen,A (1995). "A dynamic traffic assignment 
     model with traffic flow relationships", Transportation Research 3C(1), xxx-yyy.

8.9  Cascetta,E (1988). "A unified framework for estimating or updating origin/ 
     destination matrices from traffic counts", Trans Research, 22B(6), 437-455.

8.10 Chang,G-L and Wu,J (1994). "Recursive estimation of time-varying o-d flows 
     from traffic counts for freeway corridors", Trans Research, 28B, 141-160.

8.11 Wu,J and Chang,G-L (1995). "Estimation of time-varying O-D matrices with 
     dynamic screenline flows", TRB 74th Annual Meeting, Preprint Paper No. 950137.

8.12 Ashok,K and Ben-Akiva,ME (1993). "Dynamic origin-destination matrix estimation 
     and prediction for real-time traffic management systems", in Daganzo,CF (ed.) 
     Transportation and Traffic Theory, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

8.14 Ben-Akiva,M, Koutsopoulos,HN, and Mukundan A (1994). "A dynamic traffic model 
     system for ATMS/ATIS operations", Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A. USA

8.15 Van Aerde,M, Hellinga,B, and MacKinna,G (1993). "Queensod: a method for 
     estimating time varying origin-destination demands for freeway corridors/
     networks", TRB 72nd Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

8.16 Cremer,M and Keller,H (1987). "A new class of dynamic methods for the identification 
     of origin-destination flows", Transportation Research, 21B(2), 117-132.

8.17 Van Aerde,M, Voss,J, and Noxon,G (19xx). "On-line generation of synthetic 
     origin-destination counts for application in freeway corridor traffic control", 
     Transportation Research Record, 1236, 40-49.

8.18 Cascetta, E (1984). "Estimation of trip matrices from traffic counts and survey 
     data: a generalized least squares estimator", Trans Research, 18B(4-5), 289-99.

8.19 Bell,MGH (1991). "The estimation of origin-destination matrices by constrained 
     generalized least squares", Transportation Research, 25B(1), 13-22.

8.20 Cascetta,E, Inaudi,D, and Marquis,G (1993). "Dynamic estimators of 
     origin-destination matrices using traffic counts, Transportation Science, 
     27(4), 363-373.

8.21 Tamin,OZ and Willumsen,LG (1990). "Transport demand model estimation from 
     traffic counts, Transportation, 16(1), 3-26.

9. Stochastic Assignment References

9.1  Beilner,H and Jacobs,F (1972). "Probablistic Aspects of Traffic Assignment", 
     in Newell,G (ed.), Traffic Flow and Transportation, Elsevier.

9.2  Burrell,JE (1968). "Multiple Route Assignment and Its Applications to Capacity  
     Restraint", Proc. of 4th Int. Symp. on the Theory of Road Traffic Flow, Karlsruhe.

9.3  Burrell,JE (1974). "Multiple Route Assigment: A Comparison of Two Methods", 
     in Florian,M (ed.) Traffic Equilibrium Methods, Lecture Notes in Economics and 
     Mathematical Systems, 128, Springer-Verlag.

9.4  Daganzo,C (1983). "Stochastic Network Equilibrium with Multiple Vehicle Types 
     and Asymmetric, Indefinite Link Cost Jacobians", Transportation Science, 17(3), 

9.5  Daganzo,CF and Sheffi,Y (1977). "On Stochastic Models of Traffic Assignment," 
     Transportation Science, 11(3), 253-274.

9.6  Dial,RB (1971). "A Probablistic Multipath Traffic Assignment Model Which Obviates 
     Path Enumeration", Transportation Research, 5, pp.83-111.

9.7  Fisk,C (1977). "Note on the Maximum Likelihood Calibration on Dial's Assignment 
     Method", Transportation Research, 11, pp.67-68.

9.8  Fisk,C (1980/1). "Some Developments in Equilibrium Traffic Assignment Methodology", 
     Transportation Research, 14/15B, pp.243-255.

9.9  Florian,MA and Fox,B (1976). "On the probabilistic Origin of Dial's Multipath 
     Traffic Assignment Model," Transportation Research, 10(5), 339-341.

9.10 Gunnarson,S (1972). "An Algorithm for Multipath Traffic Assignment", 
     Proc.,  PTRC. Urban Traffic Modal Research Seminar, London.

9.11 Horowitz,J (1983). "The Stability of Stochastic Equilibrium for a Two-Link 
     Transportation Network", presented at the 61st Annual TRB Meeting.

9.12 Mahmassani,HS and Chang,G-L (1987). "On Boundedly Rational User Equilibrium 
     in Transportation Systems". Transportation Science, 21(2), 89-99.

9.13 Powell,W and Sheffi,Y (1982). "The Convergence of Equilibrium Algorithms with 
     Pre-determined Step Sizes", Transportation Science, 16(1).

9.14 Robillard,P (1974). "Calibration of Dial's Assignment Method",
     Transportation Science, 8, 117-125.

9.15 Sheffi,Y and Powell,WB (1981). A Comparison of Stochastic and Deterministic 
     Traffic Assignment over Congested Networks," Transportation Research, 15B(1), 

9.16 Sheffi,Y and Powell,W (1981). "Equivalent Minimization Programs and Solution 
     Algorithms for Stochastic Equilibrium", presented at the 59th Annual Meeting 
     of the Transportation Research Board.

9.17 Tobin,RL (1977). "An Extension of Dial's Algorithm Utilizing a Model of 
     Tripmaker's Perceptions," Transportation Research, 11(5), 337-342.

9.18 Trahan,M (1974). "Probablistic Assigment: An Algorithm",
     Transportation Science, 8, pp.311-320.

9.19 Von Falkenhautsen,H (1966). "Traffic Assignment by a Stochastic Model",
     International Conference on Operational Science.

9.20 Wildermuth,B (1972). "The Use of a Multiple Routing Technique for One-Pass 
     Capacity Restraint Assignments", Traffic Quarterly, 26(2).

10. Elastic (Variable) Demand References

10.1 Beckmann,M, McGuire,CB, and Winsten,C (1956). Studies in the Economics of 
     Transportation, Yale University Press, New Haven.

10.2 Florian,MA and Nguyen,S (1974). "A Method for Computing Network Equilibrium 
     with Elastic Demands", Transportation Science, 8(4).

10.3 Gartner,NH (1980). "Optimal Traffic Assignment with Elastic Demands: A Review - 
     Part II: Algorithmic Approaches," Transportation Science, 14(2),192-208.

10.4 Leblanc,L and Fahrangian,K (1981). "Efficient Algorithms for Solving Elastic 
     Demand Traffic Assignment Problems and Mode Split-Assignment Problems", 
     Transportation Science, 15(4), .

10.5 Nguyen,S (1977). "Procedures for Equilibrium Traffic Assignment with Elastic 
     Demand", Publication No. 39, Centre de Recherche sur les Transports, 
     Universite de Montreal.

11. Joint Choice Model References

11.1 Abdulaal,M and Leblanc,L (1979). "Methods for Combining Modal Split and 
     Equilibrium Assignment Models",Transportation Science, 13(4), .

11.2 Erlander,S, Nguyen,S, and Stewart, NF (1979). "On the Calibration of the 
     Combined Distribution Assignmentt Model", Transportation Research, 13B(3), .

11.3 Evans,S (1976). "Derivation and Analysis of Some Models for Combining Trip 
     Distribution and Assignment", Transportation Research, 10(), 37-57.

11.4 Florian,M and Nguyen,S (1977). "A Traffic Equilibrium Model of Travel by Car 
     and Public Transit Modes", Transportation Science, 11(2), .

11.5 Florian,M, Nguyen,S, and Ferland,J (1975). "On the Combined Distribution-
     Assignment of Traffic", Transportation Science, 9, 43-53.

11.6 Florian,M, et al. (1979). 'Validation and Application of an Equilibrium-Based 
     Two-mode Urban Transportation Planning Method (EMME)", Transportation Research 
     Record 728.

11.7 Florian,M and Nguyen,S (1977). "A Combined Trip Distribution, Modal Split, and 
     Trip Assignment Model", Publication No. 34, Centre de Recherche sur les Transports, 
     Universite de Montreal.

11.8 Safwat,N and Magnanti,T (1988). "A Combined Trip Generation, Trip Distribution, 
     Modal Split, and Trip Assignment Model", Transportation Science, 18(1), .

11.9 Sheffi,Y and Daganzo,C (1980). "Computation of Equilibrium Over Transportation 
     Networks: The Case of Disaggregate Denand Models", Transportation Science, 14(2).

11.x Fernandez,E, De Cea,J, Florian,M, and Cabrera,E (1994). "Network Equilibrium 
     Models with Combined Modes", Transportation Science, 28, 183-192.

12. Link Interactions References

12.1  Aashtiani, HZ (1979). "The Multi-modal Traffic Assignment Problem",
      PhD Dissertation, Sloan School of Management, MIT.

12.2  Dafermos,S (1971). "An Extended Traffic Assignment Model with Applications to 
      Two-Way Traffic", Transportation Science, 5(4).

12.3  Dafermos,S (1982). "Relaxation Algorithm for the General Asymmetric Traffic 
      Equilibrium Problem", Transportation Science, 16(2).

12.4  Fisk,CS and Boyce,DE (1983). "Alternative Variational Inequality Formulations 
      of the Network Equilibrium-Travel Choice Problem, Transportation Science, 17(4), 

12.5  Fisk,C and Nguyen,S (1981). "Existence and Uniqueness Properties of an 
      Asymmetric Two-Mode Equilibrium Model', Transportation Science, 15(4).

12.6  Fisk,C and Nguyen,S (1982). "Solution Algorithm for Network Equilibrium Models 
      with Asymmetric User Costs", Transportation Science, 16(3).

12.7  Florian,M and Spiess,H (1982). "The Convergence of Diagonalization Algorithms 
      for Asymmetric Network Equilibrium Problems", Transportation Research, 16B(6), 
      pp 477-484.

12.8  Friesz,T (1985). "Transportation Network Equilibrium, Design, and Aggregation: 
      Key Developments and Research Opportunities", Transportation Research, 19A(5/6).

12.9  Lawphongpanich,S and Hearn,DW (1989). "Simplicial Decomposition of the Asymmetric 
      Traffic Assignment Problem", Transportation Research, 18B(2), pp. 123-133.

12.10 Leblanc,L and Abdulaal,M (1982). "Combined Mode Split-Assignment and 
      Distribution-Modal Split-Assignment Models with Multiple Groups of Travelers", 
      Transportation Science, 16(4).

12.11 Mahmassani,HS, Mouskos,K, and Walton,CM (1987). "Application and Testing of the 
      Diagonalization Algorithm for the Evaluation of Truck-Related Higway Improvements", 
      Transportation Research Record 1120.

12.12 Mahmassani,HS and Mouskos,KC (1988). "Some Numerical Results on the Diagonalization 
      Algorithm for Network Assignment vith Asymmetric Interactions Between Cars and 
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12.13 Nagurney,AB (1986). "Computational Comparisons of Algorithms for General Asymmetric 
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      2OB(1), pp.78-84.

12.14 Pang,JS (1985). "Asymmetric Variational Inequality Problems over Product Sets: 
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12.15 Smith, MJ (1979). "The Existence, Uniqueness and Stability of Traffic Equilibria", 
      Transportation Research, 13B(4).

12.16 Smith, MJ (1983). "An Algorithm for Solving Asymmetric Equilibrium Problems with 
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13. Applications / Practice References

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13.2 Eash,R, Janson,B, and Boyce,D (1979). "Equilibrium Trip Assignment: Advantages 
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14. Route Choice and Traffic Control References

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14.4 Coombe,RD (1989) "Review of Computer Software for Traffic Engineers", 
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14.6 Hoffmann,G (1991). "Up-to-the-Minute Information as We Drive - How it Can Help 
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19. Parallel Algorithms References

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21. Variational Inequality References

21.1  Bernstein,D, Friesz,T, Tobin,R, Shenoi,R, and Wie,BW (1992). "Solving a 
      Variational Inequality Formulation of the Simultaneous Route and Departure-Time 
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21.8  Nagurney,A (1986). "Computational Comparisons of Algorithms for General Asymmetric 
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21.10 Patriksson,M (1993). "A Unified Description of Iterative Algorithms for Traffic
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Variational Inequality Approach to Optimization Problems

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21.13 Lawphongpanich,S and Hearn,D (1990). "Benders Decomposition in 
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21.17 Yao,J (1994). "Multi-Valued Variational Inequalities with K-Pseudomonotone 
      Operators", Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 83, 391-403.
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