Vagvisare © S.Persson Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine

Course Syllabus
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu>

  1. Transportation Networks: Planning and Modeling
    1. Transportation Systems Analysis
    2. Transport Networks in Travel Forecasting
  2. The OR Transportation Problem
  3. Networks, Performance, Transshipment
    1. Data Structures, Programs, and Algorithms
    2. Performance Procedures
    3. The Transshipment Problem
  4. The Shortest Path Problem
    1. Label Correcting and Label Setting Algorithms
    2. One to All Shortest Path Algorithms
    3. All Nodes to All Nodes Algorithms
  5. The Trip Assignment Problem
    1. Conceptual Formulations
      1. Heuristic Methods
      2. Wardrop's Principles: User Equilibrium (UE) and System Optimal (SO)
      3. Multipath / Probabilistic Assignment
    2. Deterministic Network Loading: Non-Equilibrium (Heuristic) Methods
      1. All-or-Nothing Loading
      2. Capacity Restraint Assignment
      3. Incremental Assignment
    3. Deterministic Network Loading: Equilibration Methods
      1. Beckmann Transformation and User Equilibration (UE)
      2. Equivalency and Uniqueness Conditions
      3. System Optimal (SO) Formulation
      4. Iterative Assignment: MSA
      5. Iterative Assignment: Frank-Wolfe Algorithms
    4. The Braess Paradox
    5. Stochastic Network Loading
      1. Dial's Algorithm
      2. Stochastic User Equilibrium
    6. Variable Demand
  6. Advanced Network Topics (as time allows):
    1. Alternate Assignment Formulations (path-based and origin-based)
    2. Dynamic Traffic Assignment
    3. Other Topics (O/D Table Generation Methods, Network Design)
What's Next? [ back to top ]
The sequel to this course, CEE 228b Transportation Network Analysis II, provides a comprehensive follow-up focusing on advanced network topics. The state-of-the-practice in travel forecasting is presented in CEE 123/223 Transportation Systems Analysis and Design, and on a more advanced level in CEE220a and CEE 225a-b Transportation Planning Models I and II.
CEE 228A Syllabus [ back to top ]

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