Activity Time and Day

This form asks about the typical time and days on which you would do certain activities (i.e., those activities you indicate in the Activity Selection page).


For each activity, answer these two questions:

Question 1:

Does this activity occur on fixed days of the week?

If this activity regularly occurs on specific days of a week, click Yes and check the days. For example, this quarter I always go to school on Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. I will then indicate Yes to this question and check the boxes of Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

If the days for this activity have never been fixed (i.e., you usually do it whenever you have time), Click No and check the days it could occur on. If it can happen everyday in a week, check all of them .


Question 2:

Does this activity have a fixed start/end time?

If this activity has to begin and end at a specific time, click Yes and enter the start and end time. For example, I have to work from 9 to 5. The fixed start and end time for my work activity are 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM.

If this activity is not required to occur in specific start/end time, click No and enter the earliest time it could begin and the latest time it could end. For example, I usually go to Major Grocery Shopping (over 10 items) Friday after work. I could go anytime after 5:00PM but have to be at home no later than 8:00PM. So, 5:00PM is my earliest start time and 8:00PM is the latest end time.


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