Phd Dissertation

Citizens near the path of least resistance: Travel behavior of Century Freeway corridor residents

Publication Date

June 29, 1995


This work joins a body of literature that tests whether commuting data support: (a) a hypothesized mismatch between employment or shopping opportunities among isolated groups of urban residents; and (b) the equitable distribution of mobility benefits following the opening of a major urban freeway. A history of the urban interstate system and the legislation guiding its construction is provided first as a background to the study. Second, a social ecological interpretation of the multi-dimensional effects of a change in urban form is introduced with a specific orientation toward freeway sitings. New highway impacts vary depending upon the condition of the surrounding area and proximity to the facility. Three grouping variables are introduced as possible means through which to categorize residents severely impacted by the construction of the Glenn M. Anderson (Century) Freeway/Transitway (Interstate 105). A behavioral measure segments residents based on the social and economic conditions in their census tracts. Two geographic grouping variables separate inner city residents from more suburban residents and residents close to the right-of-way from those more than a mile from the construction. U.S. Census data illustrate the social and economic differences among these groups within the Century Freeway corridor area. It is determined that, at an aggregate level, mean travel time to work is longer for residents of distressed areas, central city areas and residents near the right of way. Residents in the study area are surveyed at two points in time. Baseline travel behavior analyses indicate that controlling for race, education, income, and mode choice, the work trip of South Central Los Angeles residents is longer than neighboring areas in the corridor. Also, this trip is longer for residents living within one mile of the freeway. The behavioral variable does not aid in the discrimination of work trip travel times. Analysis of transportation behavior subsequent to the freeway opening reveals that the travel time savings for work and nonwork trips are unequally distributed across the study area. Significantly, the freeway opening is not associated with a convergence of work trip travel times. Those least affected by highway construction demonstrate travel benefits that are not found among severely impacted respondents.