ITS-Irvine benefits from collaborations both within UCI and with partner institutions across the United States.

UC ITS: The Multicampus
Research Unit
ITS-Irvine is an Organized Research Unit (ORU) on the University of California, Irvine (UCI) campus, with its Director reporting directly to the Vice Chancellor for Research. Additionally, it is part of the University of California (UC) Multicampus Research Unit (MRU) of the same name, which has branches at the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles campuses, that together collaborate as the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies (UC ITS).
University Transportation Centers
The Pacific Southwest Region University Transportation Center (UTC) is the Region 9 UTC funded under the US Department of Transportation’s University Transportation Centers Program. Established in 2016, the Pacific Southwest Region UTC (PSR) is led by the University of Southern California and includes nine partners:
CARMEN+ (Center for Automated Vehicle Research with Multimodal AssurEd Navigation), is a US Department of Transportation (USDOT) University Transportation Center (UTC), led by The Ohio State University, with a consortium comprising University of California, Irvine; University of Texas at Austin; and North Carolina A&T. The CARMEN+ UTC’s world-renowned experts in PNT, automotive and transportation, will study PNT risks to HAVs, offer concrete solutions, and make recommendations for future standards and guidelines for cyber-resilient PNT systems. The CARMEN+ UTC assembled a comprehensive advisory board composed of advisors and collaborators from industry, academia and government, including local, state and federal DOTs.
Affiliated Laboratories and Programs
The Advanced Power and Energy Program (APEP) at the University of California, Irvine addresses the development and deployment of efficient, environmentally sensitive, sustainable power generation and energy conversion worldwide. At the heart of this endeavor is the creation of new knowledge brought about through fundamental and applied research, and the sharing of this knowledge through education and outreach. Industry is actively engaged and vital to this effort.
Freight Mobility Living Laboratory (FML2) is an open innovation ecosystem for exploring field deployment of innovative technologies for freight data collection