Event Overview
Traffic congestion is a pervasive worldwide problem. In this webinar. we explain how to harness existing technologies together with new methods in time-and-location markets to eradicate traffic congestion along with its attendant social harms. Our market design for road use builds on congestion pricing and models of efficient pricing in the electricity sector. The market maximizes the value of a transport network through efficient scheduling, routing and pricing of road use. Privacy and equity concerns are addressed. Transparent price information provides essential information for efficient long-term investment in transport.
Dr. Rick Geddes is currently a Visiting Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University, on a one-year sabbatical from his permanent position as professor in Cornell’s Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy and Professor of Economics at Cornell. He is Founding Director of the Cornell Program in Infrastructure Policy, or CPIP; is a member of the graduate fields of Systems Engineering, Regional Science, and Economics; and is a Non-Resident Senior Scholar at the American Enterprise Institute in Washington, DC.
Dr. Geddes research centers on funding, financing and delivery of major infrastructure projects, road pricing, and utility regulation. His publications have appeared in numerous academic journals and he authored the 2011 AEI book entitled, The Road to Renewal: Private Investment in U.S. Transportation Infrastructure. Dr. Geddes holds MA and Ph.D. degrees in economics from the University of Chicago, and a BS in economics and finance from Towson State University.