Our Experts

Craig Rindt
As Assistant Director for Research Coordination, Dr. Rindt plays a pivotal role in coordinating almost all phases of the ITS-Irvine research program, including project administration, collaborating on setting and successfully achieving research agendas, outreach activities to faculty and other research centers on campus as well as to public and private entities, and assisting in mentoring several of my PhD students working on associated research projects. Dr. Rindt serves as Project Manager for the Institute’s UTC programs and coordinates with other ITS branches and UCOP on the management of the new statewide transportation research program, including participating in the systemwide development of research priorities with state, regional and local leaders, issuing the annual request for proposals (RFP), managing the review of ITS-Irvine proposals, and coordinating the selection and ultimate administration of the research grants funded. In addition to supporting institutional research programs, Dr. Rindt works with individual ITS-Irvine faculty affiliates to propose research to national, state, and local funding agencies.
crindt@uci.eduRecent Projects
Research Team:
UC Campus(es):
Research Team:
UC Campus(es):
Research Team:
UC Campus(es):
Recent Publications