Our Experts

Kome Ajise

Executive Director, Southern California Association of Governments

Kome Ajise is the Executive Director at Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG), the nation’s largest metropolitan planning organization, which encompasses six counties (Imperial, LosAngeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura) and 191 cities in an area covering more than 38,000 square miles. SCAG develops long-range regional transportation plans including sustainable community strategies and growth forecast components, regional transportation improvement programs, regional housing needs allocations, and a portion of the South Coast Air Quality management plans. Kome has over 30 years of experience in regional planning and transportation, including serving as chief deputy director of the Caltrans, and as Caltrans deputy director of planning and modal programs where he was responsible for overseeing the Aeronautics, Mass Transportation, Rail, Transportation Planning, Local Assistance, and Research Innovation and System Information Divisions. Kome also serves as Chair and member of the Board of Directors of the California Transportation Foundation.
