Our Experts

Nicholas Marantz

Dr. Nicholas Marantz (PhD, MIT; JD, Harvard) conducts research addressing local governance and the regulation of the built environment, particularly as they relate to mobility and housing affordability. He also analyzes the impact of changes in environmental laws and institutions of local governance on planning practice and metropolitan development patterns, as well as the ways that non-lawyers (particularly urban planners) understand and use legal materials.

Recent Projects


Research Team:

Jae Hong Kim (lead), Doug Houston, Nicholas Marantz, Alex Okashita

UC Campus(es):

Urban Planning and Public Policy

Research Team:

Nicholas Marantz (lead)

UC Campus(es):

Urban Planning and Public Policy

Research Team:

Michael Hyland (lead), R. (Jay) Jayakrishnan, Wenlong Jin, Michael McNally, Stephen Ritchie, Craig Rindt, Younghun Bahk, Maxwell Cabello, Siwei Hu, Navjyoth Sarma, Dingtong Yang, Jiangbo (Gabe) Yu, Nicholas Marantz

UC Campus(es):

Civil and Environmental Engineering, Transportation Science Interdisciplinary Graduate Degree Program, Urban Planning and Public Policy