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Stephen Ritchie

Dr. Stephen G. Ritchie (BE(Hons), MEngSci, Monash University; PhD, Cornell University) is a Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Institute of Transportation Studies at the University of California, Irvine, and has 30 years of experience in the fields of transportation research and education. He is a former Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCI, Chair of the UCI Graduate Council, and Chair of the UCI Council on Planning and Budget. His undergraduate and graduate teaching is in the areas of transportation and traffic engineering, freight transportation planning, traffic operations and control, transportation data analysis, and computer and emerging technology applications. His recent research interests include statewide freight transportation modeling, new methods for estimating GHG emissions based on limited traffic data, and the environmental and health impacts of freight transportation. He is a recipient of the Presidential Young Investigator Award from the National Science Foundation, “Best of ITS” Research Award from ITS America jointly with colleagues, Pyke Johnson Outstanding Paper Award from TRB, Frank M. Masters Transportation Engineering Award from ASCE, and the Best Paper Award from the TRB Committee on Freight Planning and Logistics and the Committee on Urban Freight Transportation. He has co-authored over 130 peer-reviewed articles in transportation journals and conference proceedings. His professional service includes Founding Editor-in-Chief of Transportation Research Part C, Chair and/or member of ASCE, TRB, and IFAC committees, and organizer, Conference Co-Chair and Chair for major international transportation conferences.

Recent Projects


Research Team:

Stephen Ritchie (lead), Youngeun Bae

UC Campus(es):

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Team:

Stephen Ritchie (lead), Andre (Yeow Chern) Tok

UC Campus(es):

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Research Team:

Stephen Ritchie (lead)

UC Campus(es):

Civil and Environmental Engineering