Project Summary
This research proposes to develop a comprehensive activity based travel demand forecast model that integrates different variations of discrete choice models, mathematical programming models of activity scheduling and travel choice, fuzzy concepts and machine learning techniques. The research is designed with a main goal of producing an activity-based travel demand toolbox that can be used in practical planning applications. As envisioned, the toolbox will enable users to predict activity patterns and trip chains at both disaggregate and aggregate levels for a study region, analyze public transportation market share, and evaluate the impacts of different policies on travel pattern of individuals. Core codes of the toolbox will be in Matlab and Python, and use Visual Basic for the user interface. The codes will be standalone executable files that have minimum software requirements for execution. As a demonstration of the toolbox, the project will apply the procedures to examine potential modifications to transit services provided by the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA). Estimation and validation of the forecast tool will be based on a set of 78 household samples in Orange County, drawn from the California Household Travel Survey data. Scenarios for analysis will be developed in consultation with OCTA.