Co-Location of Light-Duty and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicle Infrastructure to Promote a Resilient, Cost-Effective Fueling Network in California


In Progress

Project Timeline

October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025

Principal Investigator


Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Project Summary

To achieve its climate and air quality goals, California has adopted aggressive zero-emission vehicle adoption goals. The main challenge facing the transition to ZEVs is in establishing a robust network of charging and hydrogen refueling infrastructure. Effective planning and deployment of stations is crucial in enabling the market for ZEVs. This creates a need for a spatial optimization tool in which stations are chosen to maximize coverage of charging and refueling demand. Furthermore, the co-location of light-duty and heavy-duty stations can accelerate ZEV adoption, reduce total number of stations while maintaining network resiliency, and reduce overall network cost by leveraging economies of scale and increasing individual station utilization. The proposed study will develop an infrastructure rollout plan for co-located LD and HD charging and hydrogen refueling stations to meet California’s ambitious carbon neutrality transportation goals by 2045.