Telework Trends in California: Before, During, and Possibly After the Pandemic



Project Timeline

April 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023

Principal Investigator


Civil and Environmental Engineering

Project Summary

Forced by the Covid-19 pandemic and enabled by technology improvements, telework has received a big boost over the past 15 months. In addition to reducing VMT, decreasing energy use, and lowering emissions of both air pollutants and of greenhouse gases, telecommuting has numerous potential co-benefits, including saving time (from dcommuting) and money (on gas and parking), increasing schedule flexibility, potentially improving work-life balance, and reducing stress (Gajendran and Harrison, 2007). To understand the extent to which telecommuting could increase because of the pandemic, this project will analyze a unique dataset on commuting and telework collected during a May-June 2021 random survey of Californians conducted by IPSOS. In addition, we will quantify changes in VMT and in the resulting emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases. Quantifying recent changes in telecommuting is important to update sustainable community strategies and for understanding the likely contribution of telecommuting in meeting California’s GHG reduction targets.