Phd Dissertation

Case Studies in Secure Contracting and Communication in Transportation Systems

Publication Date

July 14, 2021


Areas of Expertise

Intelligent Transportation Systems, Emerging Technologies, & Big Data


Advancements in Information and Communication Technologies have led to the proliferation of Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS). These systems leverage emerging technologies to address the challenges of traditional transportation systems. As the number of connected devices continues to increase, smart cities and communities are reliant on ITS as apart of their ecosystems. ITS are efficient and sustainable mobility systems that leverage emerging technologies to securely interact with other transportation systems and entities. This dis- sertation explores three case studies in privacy preserving contracting and communication among vehicles in transportation systems. The first case involves paratransit systems where we explore paratransit agency adoption of complementary ride-hailing services through se- cure contracting. The second case involves Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks in which we analyze the communication and data exchange between vehicles in the network. In the last case, we introduce smart infrastructure in the analysis of ITS and traffic in smart city environments by modeling the shift in traffic behaviors through the use of dynamic traffic lights. The major contributions of this dissertation are in the analysis of the communication, security and sustainability in the three case studies.