policy brief

What Challenges Can Arise from Coordinating Housing Development with Transportation?


More systematic coordination between transportation and housing development is increasingly recognized as a promising strategy for creating more sustainable communities. One approach is to encourage higher density affordable housing developments near transit or in similarly transportation-efficient areas, such as locations with low vehicle miles traveled (VMT). However, little is known about how transportation access should be considered in guiding housing development, what challenges can arise from coordinating housing development with transportation, and what the state can do to better deal with these challenges and achieve more equitable residential densification.

This brief examines equity issues and other challenges that may arise in pursuing transportation-informed housing development. Specifically, it touches on the potential impacts of Senate Bill 743, which made it easier to build more housing in low VMT locations by shifting the way traffic impacts from new housing development are evaluated under the California Environmental Quality Act. It also explores ways to achieve more inclusive development in non-rail transit areas which have received less attention compared to rail transit areas.