CEE 123 has defined course learning outcomes, as a component of and consistent
with the bachelor's program in civil engineering. Review the course
syllabus and student learning outcomes.
Theoretical foundations of transportation planning, design, and analysis methods.
Theory and application of aggregate and disaggregate models for land use development,
trip generation, and destination, mode, and route choice. Transportation network analysis.
Planning, design, and evaluation of system alternatives.
This course will introduce transportation modeling tools via small problems and a case study
application. Those techniques which are used to model, plan, and design transportation systems
will be the focus of the class. The course comprises lectures and labs, and requires about 2
(1st half) to 6 hours (2nd half) per week on average outside of class to keep pace.
- Pre-requisites:
CEE 121 Transportation Systems Analysis I: Analysis and Design
CEE 110 Methods III: Modeling, Economics, and Management (co-requisite)
- Texts:
Ortuzar & Willumsen (2011). Modeling Transport (4th) Wiley (recommended; prior editions OK).
Supplementary course material is available on the web site, including:
- A course syllabus and overviews of course lectures.
- Copies of all course homework assignments (and solutions after due date)
- A copy of the course project documenting all required laboratory tasks.
- Selected course notes and links to on-line references.
- Exams:
- Pop Quizzes: several, throughout the quarter in class and labs
- Midterm Exam: (tbd)
- Final Exam: Monday, June 10th, 4-6 pm
- Grading:
The following weighting scheme will be applied:
- Homeworks (10%) -- 7-9 HW assignments (each due one week after assigned)
- Midterm (20%) -- (tbd)
- Quizzes (5%) -- Multiple Choice in class or demos in lab
- Term Project (5/10/15+5=35%) -- due (tbd)
- Final Exam (30%) -- Monday, June 10th, 4-6 pm
- Professionalism:
All engineering work, including calculations, drawings, and documentation, inherently must
be neat and organized. You will inevitably need to revisit design calculations throughout
your careers -- if you cannot read and understand your own work then your professional standing
may be compromised. On exams, credit will not be given for answers that I cannot read or work
that I can't follow. It is your responsibility to communicate effectively.
- Academic Integrity:
Office of Academic Integrity and Student Conduct
You have selected a field which places professional integrity first and foremost. Academic
honesty is a requirement for passing this class. Any student who compromises the academic
integrity of this course is subject to a failing grade. The work you submit must be your own.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to copying answers from another student,
allowing another student to copy your answers, communicating exam answers to other students
during an exam, attempting to use notes or other aids during an exam, or tampering with an
exam after it has been corrected and then returning it for more credit. If you do so, you
will be in violation of UCI Policies on Academic Honesty. It is your responsibility to read
and understand these policies. Note that any instance of academic dishonesty will be reported
to the Academic Integrity Administrative Office for disciplinary action and may result in a
failing grade.
- Additional Information:
Disability Services link: https://dsc.uci.edu/
Academic Dishonesty link: https://aisc.uci.edu/students/academic-integrity/
Copyright policy link: http://copyright.universityofcalifornia.edu/use/teaching.html
- Term Project:
The course project (and some homeworks) will utilize TransCAD, a PC-based GIS (Geographical
Information System) for transportation. Each student in the class will be provided a license
to TransCAD 8.1 which will be valid for the Spring Quarter only. An online lab will be held
each week.
The course project will be completed both individually and in teams (see Project page). There
will be two intermediate reports due during the quarter and a comprehensive final report will
be due during Exam Week.
Incorporated into the final report will be individual network design solutions. Individuals
or teams may be asked to present their final designs in labs during the 10th week.
It is highly recommended that you each safeguard all project material in at least two
places (your PC and on a project USB drive). I also recommend that you keep hard copies of
all work as a tertiary backup.
All project reports must be prepared professionally. Given the importance of technical writing
in the Civil Engineering profession, each submitted project will receive two equally weighted
grades: one for technical content and one for report quality. Formal report preparation
guidelines are included in the
course notes.
- Web Sites:
CEE 123/223 Home [https://www.its.uci.edu/~mmcnally/cee/cee123/]
Canvas [https://canvas.eee.uci.edu/courses/tbd/]
COURSE SYLLABUS [Detailed Version]
- Transportation Problems, Planning, and Design [1 week]
- Transportation Networks, Demand, and Performace [1 week]
- Trip Generation Analysis [2 weeks]
- Trip Distribution and Mode Choice [2 weeks]
- Time-of-Day Adjustments and Trip Assignment [2 weeks]
- Network Design and Project Evaluation [2 week]