Traffic © Chris Choi Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine
CEE 123 Transportation Systems III: Planning and Forecasting

Spring 2024 [Course Code: 15450]
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu>
Overview Schedule Notes Homework Project Exams Links Home

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CEE123 Lab Overview & Deliverables Project Teams Project Format
Exec. Summ.
Tutorial Pedro's TransCAD Tutorial   Videos
Prior Study Overview of 2000 Miasma Beach Study Review in Week 1  
Task 1 [pdf] Miasma Beach Network Development Submit with Task 2 2020 Data Set (S'24)
Task 2 [pdf] Miasma Beach Network Skim Trees Due: tbd Cost Addendum
Task 3 [pdf] Miasma Beach Trip Generation Analysis Submit with Task 5  
Task 4 [pdf] Miasma Beach Trip Distribution Analysis Submit with Task 5 Hourly ; FFLU
Task 5 [pdf] Miasma Beach Trip Assignment Due: tdb  
Task 6 [pdf] Miasma Beach Forecasting and Design Due: tbd Cost Addendum
Final Report Due: tbd Reqs

Please Note: Attendance at labs is mandatory. All students must attend and participate in each lab session. Attendance may comprise part of the project's share of the course grade.

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