Project: ||
Prior Study |
Task 1 |
Task 2 |
Task 3 |
Task 4 |
Task 5 |
Tasks 6-7 |
Deliverables |
The Miasma Beach Transportation Model
Tasks 1 and 2 serve to develop the Miasma Beach network and skim trees. The modeling
approach is to calibrate and validate trip generation (Task 3) and trip distribution
models (Task 4) for the six internal zones only. Time-of-day adjustments and
interactions with the external area (via the external stations) are modeled prior to
trip assignment (Task 5). Model validation is completed prior to starting Task 6, where
independent forecasts of the future activity system are applied to the validated base
Miasma Beach transportation model. An evaluation of anticipated network performance leads
to the development and evaluation of future network alternatives (Task 6 and 7).
The following summary is extracted from the full Miasma Beach Request for Proposals
(RFP) Tasks Description and is repeated here to emphasize these reporting
The purpose of Task 1 is to develop, enhance, and validate
the base transportation network for Miasma Beach.
This task involves the development of the transportation network for Miasma Beach,
including updating the Transportation and Activity systems and producing
corresponding graphic and tabular summaries.
Please Note: The initial Miasma Beach data set provided does NOT represent
the actual base network. The only networks and data sets depicted or provided are for
the prior model for 2000 and the network that you will
create for 2020 using the initial "" and this year's instructions in
Task 1.
Deliverables: Summarize the data base development and validation process
and submit the validated base year TransCAD data set for Miasma Beach, including
text, tabular, and graphical description.
The first objective of this task is to create a TransCAD network file to
find skim trees for use in subsequent models.
Deliverable: Create the TransCAD *.NET file for Task 2 Skim Tree analysis.
To be submitted as part of Interim Report 1.
The second objective of this task is to develop the base year skim trees for
Miasma Beach. These serve in error checking the network and as input to subsequent
model steps. Note: You can not proceed with other Tasks until you have verified
that the network is correct.
Deliverable: Include graphical and tabular summaries of skim trees,
with and without intrazonal and terminal times.
Interim Report 1 summarizing all work on Tasks 1 and 2.
Follow Report Format Guidelines.
Each team member will submit an independent report and dataset for Interim Report 1.
CEE223 only: Append a glossary with four key terms defined (the CEE123 on-line glossary may be used).
[ back to top ] |
The purpose of Task 3 is to develop and apply trip generation
models for Miasma Beach.
Select Version:
After the City approves your work, each team will select one report and dataset
on which to base all subsequent analysis. Each team member will work independently
but with the same report and dataset.
3.1 Description of the Zoning System
Provide a description of the study area. You must convince the client that you
know everything of importance about the Miasma Beach area. If you extract
material from the RFP, be sure that it is properly quoted and referenced.
3.2 Development of Trip Production and Attraction Models
You will estimate trip generation models for a specified trip purpose, and use
designated models for other trip purposes. You must clearly identify the final
set of models and discuss/tabulate them. All statistical output must be provided
in your report or appendices. All original work should reflect your firm name as
part of displays. Apply your models to the base year data and compare projected
Ps and As to the base values. Provide summary stats, tables, and discussion.
3.3 Trip Balancing
Balance internal Ps and As separately for EACH trip purposes. Provide summary tables.
3.4 Prepare Task 3 Documentation
Prepare a Task 3 Interim Report documenting all work in trip generation
model development. Include all tables, network graphics, and other outputs in
your report. Because each group uses different production models, do not expect
your results to be the same as those for other groups. Include all regression
analysis results in an appendix. Follow Report Format
in the preparation of this report. This report will be submitted as part of
Interim Report 2 with the results of Tasks 4 and 5.
Deliverables: A detailed description of the study area; a summary of the
development and validation process for trip generation (including a table summary
of all models estimated and a table summary of all final models); and the results
of trip balancing.
The purpose of Task 4 is to apply and validate a calibrated
gravity model for Miasma Beach.
4.1 Base Gravity Model Application
Apply the model to base year data for the six internal zones, for the three
trip purposes. Summarize the model itself and the process of integrating the
calibrated friction factors.
4.2 Applying the Gravity Model
Apply the model to the base year data for the six internal zones, for the three
trip purposes. Provide summary results, including the PA tables for each purpose,
and discussion of the validation.
4.3 Converting P-A to O-D and Time-of-Day Transformations
Convert each trip purpose PA matrix to the corresponding O/D matrix for the
AM-peak hour (7-8 AM), reflecting vehicle occupancy. Also produce the
total purpose file which combines all three trip purposes into an
integrated trip table for traffic assignment. Provide summary results for
each step, including the PA tables for each purpose, and discussion of
model validation.
4.4 Interim Report
Prepare a Task 4 Interim Report documenting all work in trip distribution
model development. Follow Report Format
in the preparation of this report. This report will be submitted as part of
Interim Report 2 with the results of Tasks 3 and 5.
Deliverables: A discussion of the trip distribution model utilized, and
a discussion of the trip generation - trip distribution connection; the results
of model application to the base year data; and the results after all adjustments
to the model (including PA-to-OD, ToD, and occupancy factoring).
The purpose of Task 5 is to load the estimated AM-peak hour O/D
vehicle trip table onto the base Miasma Beach network and to validate
estimated link flows and travel times against observed flows provided.
5.1 External Station Trip Interchanges
Task 3 and 4 considered internal zones only (TAZ 1-6). A separate analysis
of external trip generation and distribution is provided. Append these
trips to the total purpose matrix to form the final assignment matrix.
5.2 User Equilibrium Assignment
Assign the base O/D matrix developed in Task 5.1 to your network via
User Equilibrium Assignment (UE). Summarize the iterative procedure and it's
convergence. Tabulate link performance results (such as volume/capacities
or speed); plot directional volumes and performance data.
5.3 Model Validation
Compare your base assignment with the observed flow pattern provided. Construct
a minimum of three screen lines across which total flows will be measured
and compared. Provide screen line summary diagrams and tables, clearly
identifying the screenlines and associated total volumes. Specify deviations
between observed and estimated link volumes. Discuss the accuracy of your model
5.4 Model Validation Interim Report
Submit a Project Interim Report containing reports for Tasks 3 - 5
as well as model validation results. Identify any current network supply
deficiencies or excessive demand patterns. This information should be presented
in graphical, tabular, and text format. The network deficiencies will help
you identify any current performance problems which may have to be remedied. The
Generation of Alternate Solutions will be based on the future performance of the
network (see Task 6). Follow Report Format
in the preparation of this report. This report will be submitted as part of
Interim Report 2 with the results of Tasks 3 and 4.
Deliverables: A discussion of the external station adjustments; full
discussion of the UE process and results; and an analysis and assessment of
overall model valiadation. You must include the corrected Tasks 1 and 2 with
Interim Report 2.
Typical Results:
Trip Generation:
- Zonal number and percent of trips by purpose, and totals
- Daily trips by purpose per person, per household, and per employee
- Zonal household descriptors such as persons per HH, workers per HH, employees per population, etc.
Trip Distribution:
- Average trip lengths by purpose
- Trip length frequency distributions (tabular and graphed) by purpose
- Difference between input and output trip attractions by zone
- Number and percentage of interzonal and intrazonal trips by purpose
- Number and percentage of trips by purpose in period versus daily
Trip Assignment:
- Vehicle-miles traveled (VMT)
- Vehicle-hours traveled (VHT)
- Number of trips loaded and counted
- by screenline, cutline, and cordon line
- By area type and facility (link) type
- Input and congested speeds (and percent differences)
Interim Report 2 summarizing all work on Tasks 3, 4, and 5
(include revised Tasks 1 and 2). Follow report format
Each team member will submit an independent report and dataset for Interim Report 2.
CEE223 only: Append a glossary with eight key terms defined
(the CEE123 on-line glossary may be utilized).
[ back to top ] |
The Task 6 objective is to apply the validated model system to the Miasma
Beach activity system for 2030.
Select Version:
After the City approves your work, each team will select one report and dataset
on which to base all subsequent analysis. Each team member will develop, analyze,
evaluate, and document an independent design alterntive but the team will submit
a single integrated Final Report.
6.1 Forecast Future Demand for Year 2030
Apply your base trip generation, trip distribution, trip table
adjustments, and trip assignment models to the forecast 2030
activity system. Follow all the steps, and provide similar tables and discussion,
as for the base model application. These are your regional forecasts
corresponding to a "No Build" alterative (A0, no network improvements).
6.2 Develop Future Network Alternatives
Apply the Transportation Planning Process. Based on the results of Task 6.1,
clearly define key anticiapted transportation problems in Miasma Beach.
Identify and justify those future deficiencies which you believe to be
most critical and proceed to develop alternate potential solutions to address
these identified problem(s).
Each team will develop three independent future network alternatives (A1,
A2, and A3), one per team member. Each of these alternatives will be fully
described and modeled, with estimated performance improvements and associated costs.
6.3 Performance Measures
Propose, comput, tabulate, and discuss key performance measures for decision-makers.
Measures may be system wide (e.g., total VMT, average speed), link or corridor level
(e.g., VMT or speed by link type), or intersection specific (e.g., LOS).
6.4 Recommendations
Based on your assessment of the traffic modeling and cost estimates, justify
a single recommendation to the Miasma Beach City Council. Provide supporting
evidence in concise displays (graphs, tables, etc.). Only one alternative (A0, A1,
A2, or A3) can be recommended.
No interim report. All results should be integrated into the final report (Task 7).
The purpose of Task 7 is to produce and submit a comprehensive final
report for the entire Miasma Beach project (incorporating all corrections from
prior tasks). Follow report format
in the preparation of this report. This team report will be submitted as the
Final Project Report summarizing Tasks 1-7.