Pearblossum Highway © David Hockney Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine
CEE 220C Travel Demand Analysis III: Activity-based Approaches

Spring 2024 [Course Code: 15950]
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <>
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A Chronology of Critical Reviews of the Activity-based Approaches

    1970 - 1980

  1. Hagerstrand,T (1970). What about people in regional science? Papers of the Regional Science Association, 24, 7-21.
  2. Hagerstrand,T (1973). The Impact of Transport on the Quality of Life, Report No. 13 in Rapporter och Notiser series, Department of Geography, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
  3. Hanson,S and Marble,DF (1971). "A Preliminary Typology of Urban Travel Linkages, East Lakes Geographer, 7, 49-59.
  4. Chapin,FS (1974). Human Activity Patterns in the City, Wiley, New York
  5. Cullen,I and Godson,V (1975). Urban networks: The structure of activity patterns, in Diamond,D and McLoughlin,JB (eds.). Progress in Planning, 4(1), Pergamon Press.
  6. Fried,M, Havens,J, and Thall,M (1977). Travel behavior -- A synthesized theory, Final Report, NCHRP, Transportation Research Board, Washington.
  7. Pred,A (1977). The choreography of existence: Comments on Hagerstrand's time-geography and its usefulness. Economic Geography, 5, 1-76.
  8. Charles River Associates (1978). Behavioral science concepts for transportation planning, New Approaches to Understanding Travel Behavior, First Interim Report, Vol. 2, NCHRP, TRB.
  9. Burnett,KP and Hanson,S (1979). "Rationale for an alternative mathematical approach to movement as complex human behavior," Transportation Research Record, 723, 11-24.
  10. Burnett,KP and Thrift,N (1979). "New approaches to understanding traveller behavior," in Hensher, D., and Stopher, P. (eds.) Behavioral Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
  11. Hanson,S (1979). Urban-travel linkages: A review, In Hensher,D and Stopher,P (eds.) Behavioral Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
  12. Burns,LD (1979). Transportation, temporal, and spatial components of accessibility, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA.
  13. Jones,PM (1979). New approaches to understanding travel behavior: the human activity approach. In Hensher,DA and Stopher,PR (eds.) Behavioural Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
  14. Hanson,S (1979). Urban travel linkages: A review. In Hensher,DA and Stopher,PR (eds.) Behavioural Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.

    1981 - 1990

  15. Root,GS, McNally,MG, and Recker,WW (1981). Chaining Behavior in Urban Trip Making: A Critical Review, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine.
  16. Clarke,MI, Dix,MC, Jones,PM, and Heggie,IG (1981). Some recent developments in activity-travel analysis and modelling. Transportation Research Record, 794, 1-8.
  17. Jones,PM (1981). Activity Approaches to Understanding Travel Behavior," in Stopher,P, Meyburg,A and Brog,W (eds.) New Horizons in Travel-Behavior Research, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA.
  18. Hanson,S and Burnett,P (1981). Understanding complex travel behavior: Measurement issues, In Stopher,P, Meyburg,A, and Brog,W (eds.) New Horizons in Travel-Behavior Research, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA.
  19. Burnett,KP and Hanson,S (1982). "The analysis of travel as an example of complex human behavior in spatially constrained situations: Definition and Measurement Issues," Transportation Research, 16A, 2, 87-102.
  20. Clarke,MI, Dix,MC, and Goodwin,PB (1982). "Some issues of dynamics in forecasting travel behavior - A Discussion Paper," Transportation, 10, 105-126.
  21. Damm,D (1982). Parameters of activity behavior for use in travel analysis. Transportation Research Record, 794.
  22. Damm,D (1982). Parameters of activity behavior for use in travel analysis," Transportation Research, 16A, 2, 135-148.
  23. Hanson,S (1982). The Characteristics and Determinants of Complex Travel Patterns: A Review of the Literature, Prepared for Cambridge Systematics, Cambridge, MA.
  24. Jones,PM (1983). The Practical Application of Activity-Based Approaches in Transport Planning: An Assessment," in Carpenter,S and Jones,P (eds.) New Approaches in Travel Demand Analysis, Gower, London.
  25. Damm, D (1983). Theory and empirical results: A comparison of recent activity-based research. In Carpenter,S and Jones,P (eds.) Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis, Gower, Aldershot, England.
  26. Jones,PM, Dix,MC, Clarke,MI, and Heggie,IG (1983). Understanding Travel Behavior, Gower, Aldershot.
  27. Goodwin,PB (1983). Some problems in activity approaches to travel demand, In Carpenter,S and Jones,P (eds.) Recent Development in Travel Demand Analyses, Gower, Aldershot.
  28. Golob,J and Golob,T (1983). Classification of approaches to travel-behavior analysis. In Special Report 201 Travel Analysis Methods for the 1980s, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
  29. Recker,WW and Kitamura,R (1985). Activity-based travel analysis. In Jansen,GRM, Nijkamp,P, and Ruijgrok,CJ (eds.) Transportation and Mobility in an Era of Transition, Elsevier.
  30. Koppelman,FS and Pas,EI (1985). Travel-Activity Behavior in Time and Space: Methods for Representation and Analysis," in Nijkamp, P., Leitner, H., and Wrigley, N. (eds.) Measuring the Unmeasurable, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague.
  31. McNally,MG and Recker,WW (1986). Chaining Behavior in Urban Trip Making: On the Formation of Household Travel/Activity Patterns, Final Report prepared for USDoT, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine.  
  32. Thill,J-C and Thomas,I (1987). Toward conceptualizing trip-chaining behavior: A review, Geographical Analysis, 19(1), 1-17.
  33. Kitamura,R (1988). An evaluation of activity-based travel analysis. Transportation, 15, 9-34.


  34. Pas,E (1990). Is travel demand analysis and modelling in the doldrums?. In Jones,P (ed.) Developments in Dynamic and Activity-based Approaches to Travel Analysis, Avebury, England.
  35. Jones,PM, Koppelman,F, and Orfeuil,J-P (1990). Activity analysis: State-of-the-art and future directions. In Jones,P (ed.) Developments in Dynamic and Activity-based Approaches to Travel Analysis, Avebury, England.
  36. Axhausen,KW and Garling,T (1992). Activity-based approaches to travel analysis: Conceptual frameworks, models, and research problems. Transport Reviews, 12(4), 323-341.
  37. Kitamura,R (1996). Activity-based travel demand forecasting and policy analysis. Prepared for The Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  38. Pas,E (1996). Recent advances in activity-based travel demand modeling. Prepared for The Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  39. Miller,EJ (1996). Microsimulation and activity-based forecasting. Prepared for The Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, New Orleans, LA.
  40. Kurani,KS and Kitamura,R (1996). Recent developments in the prospects for modeling household activity schedules, Report UCD-ITS-RR-96-8, ITS, UC Davis.
  41. Ettema,D and Timmermans,H (1997). Theories and models of activity patterns. In Ettema,D and Timmermans,H (eds.). Activity-based approaches to travel analyses, Pergamon.
  42. Ben-Akiva,ME and Bowman,JL (1998). Activity-based travel demand mdoeling systems. In Marcotte,P and Nguyen,S (eds). Equilibrium and advanced transportation model ing. Kluwer.

    2001 - present

  43. Bhat,C and Koppelman,F (2001). ABA. In Hall,R. (ed.) Handbook of Transportation Science. Kluwer.
  44. McNally,MG (2007). The Four Step Model. Chapter 3 in Hensher and Button (eds). Handbook of Transport Modeling, 2nd Edition, Pergamon. [ draft ]
  45. McNally,MG. and Rindt,CR (2007). The Activity-based Approach. Chapter 4 in Hensher and Button (eds). Handbook of Transport Modeling, 2nd Edition, Pergamon [ draft ]
  46. ...
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