A Chronology of Critical Reviews of the Activity-based Approaches
1970 - 1980
- Hagerstrand,T (1970). What about people in regional science? Papers of the Regional Science Association, 24, 7-21.
- Hagerstrand,T (1973). The Impact of Transport on the Quality of Life, Report No. 13 in Rapporter och Notiser series, Department of Geography, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
- Hanson,S and Marble,DF (1971). "A Preliminary Typology of Urban Travel Linkages, East Lakes Geographer, 7, 49-59.
- Chapin,FS (1974). Human Activity Patterns in the City, Wiley, New York
- Cullen,I and Godson,V (1975). Urban networks: The structure of activity patterns, in Diamond,D and McLoughlin,JB (eds.). Progress in Planning, 4(1), Pergamon Press.
- Fried,M, Havens,J, and Thall,M (1977). Travel behavior -- A synthesized theory, Final Report, NCHRP, Transportation Research Board, Washington.
- Pred,A (1977). The choreography of existence: Comments on Hagerstrand's time-geography and its usefulness. Economic Geography, 5, 1-76.
- Charles River Associates (1978). Behavioral science concepts for transportation planning, New Approaches to Understanding Travel Behavior, First Interim Report, Vol. 2, NCHRP, TRB.
- Burnett,KP and Hanson,S (1979). "Rationale for an alternative mathematical approach to movement as complex human behavior," Transportation Research Record, 723, 11-24.
- Burnett,KP and Thrift,N (1979). "New approaches to understanding traveller behavior," in Hensher, D., and Stopher, P. (eds.) Behavioral Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
- Hanson,S (1979). Urban-travel linkages: A review, In Hensher,D and Stopher,P (eds.) Behavioral Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
- Burns,LD (1979). Transportation, temporal, and spatial components of accessibility, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA.
- Jones,PM (1979). New approaches to understanding travel behavior: the human activity approach. In Hensher,DA and Stopher,PR (eds.) Behavioural Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
- Hanson,S (1979). Urban travel linkages: A review. In Hensher,DA and Stopher,PR (eds.) Behavioural Travel Modelling, Croom Helm, London.
1981 - 1990
- Root,GS, McNally,MG, and Recker,WW (1981). Chaining Behavior in Urban Trip Making: A Critical Review, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine.
- Clarke,MI, Dix,MC, Jones,PM, and Heggie,IG (1981). Some recent developments in activity-travel analysis and modelling. Transportation Research Record, 794, 1-8.
- Jones,PM (1981). Activity Approaches to Understanding Travel Behavior," in Stopher,P, Meyburg,A and Brog,W (eds.) New Horizons in Travel-Behavior Research, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA.
- Hanson,S and Burnett,P (1981). Understanding complex travel behavior: Measurement issues, In Stopher,P, Meyburg,A, and Brog,W (eds.) New Horizons in Travel-Behavior Research, Lexington Books, D.C. Heath, Lexington, MA.
- Burnett,KP and Hanson,S (1982). "The analysis of travel as an example of complex human behavior in spatially constrained situations: Definition and Measurement Issues," Transportation Research, 16A, 2, 87-102.
- Clarke,MI, Dix,MC, and Goodwin,PB (1982). "Some issues of dynamics in forecasting travel behavior - A Discussion Paper," Transportation, 10, 105-126.
- Damm,D (1982). Parameters of activity behavior for use in travel analysis. Transportation Research Record, 794.
- Damm,D (1982). Parameters of activity behavior for use in travel analysis," Transportation Research, 16A, 2, 135-148.
- Hanson,S (1982). The Characteristics and Determinants of Complex Travel Patterns: A Review of the Literature, Prepared for Cambridge Systematics, Cambridge, MA.
- Jones,PM (1983). The Practical Application of Activity-Based Approaches in Transport Planning: An Assessment," in Carpenter,S and Jones,P (eds.) New Approaches in Travel Demand Analysis, Gower, London.
- Damm, D (1983). Theory and empirical results: A comparison of recent activity-based research. In Carpenter,S and Jones,P (eds.) Recent Advances in Travel Demand Analysis, Gower, Aldershot, England.
- Jones,PM, Dix,MC, Clarke,MI, and Heggie,IG (1983). Understanding Travel Behavior, Gower, Aldershot.
- Goodwin,PB (1983). Some problems in activity approaches to travel demand, In Carpenter,S and Jones,P (eds.) Recent Development in Travel Demand Analyses, Gower, Aldershot.
- Golob,J and Golob,T (1983). Classification of approaches to travel-behavior analysis. In Special Report 201 Travel Analysis Methods for the 1980s, Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
- Recker,WW and Kitamura,R (1985). Activity-based travel analysis. In Jansen,GRM, Nijkamp,P, and Ruijgrok,CJ (eds.) Transportation and Mobility in an Era of Transition, Elsevier.
- Koppelman,FS and Pas,EI (1985). Travel-Activity Behavior in Time and Space: Methods for Representation and Analysis," in Nijkamp, P., Leitner, H., and Wrigley, N. (eds.) Measuring the Unmeasurable, Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague.
- McNally,MG and Recker,WW (1986). Chaining Behavior in Urban Trip Making: On the Formation of Household Travel/Activity Patterns, Final Report prepared for USDoT, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Irvine.
- Thill,J-C and Thomas,I (1987). Toward conceptualizing trip-chaining behavior: A review, Geographical Analysis, 19(1), 1-17.
- Kitamura,R (1988). An evaluation of activity-based travel analysis. Transportation, 15, 9-34.
- Pas,E (1990). Is travel demand analysis and modelling in the doldrums?. In Jones,P (ed.) Developments in Dynamic and Activity-based Approaches to Travel Analysis, Avebury, England.
- Jones,PM, Koppelman,F, and Orfeuil,J-P (1990). Activity analysis: State-of-the-art and future directions. In Jones,P (ed.) Developments in Dynamic and Activity-based Approaches to Travel Analysis, Avebury, England.
- Axhausen,KW and Garling,T (1992). Activity-based approaches to travel analysis: Conceptual frameworks, models, and research problems. Transport Reviews, 12(4), 323-341.
- Kitamura,R (1996). Activity-based travel demand forecasting and policy analysis. Prepared for The Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Pas,E (1996). Recent advances in activity-based travel demand modeling. Prepared for The Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Miller,EJ (1996). Microsimulation and activity-based forecasting. Prepared for The Activity-based Travel Demand Forecasting Conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Kurani,KS and Kitamura,R (1996). Recent developments in the prospects for modeling household activity schedules, Report UCD-ITS-RR-96-8, ITS, UC Davis.
- Ettema,D and Timmermans,H (1997). Theories and models of activity patterns. In Ettema,D and Timmermans,H (eds.). Activity-based approaches to travel analyses, Pergamon.
- Ben-Akiva,ME and Bowman,JL (1998). Activity-based travel demand mdoeling systems. In Marcotte,P and Nguyen,S (eds). Equilibrium and advanced transportation model ing. Kluwer.
2001 - present
- Bhat,C and Koppelman,F (2001). ABA. In Hall,R. (ed.) Handbook of Transportation Science. Kluwer.
- McNally,MG (2007). The Four Step Model. Chapter 3 in Hensher and Button (eds). Handbook of Transport Modeling, 2nd Edition, Pergamon.
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- McNally,MG. and Rindt,CR (2007). The Activity-based Approach. Chapter 4 in Hensher and Button (eds). Handbook of Transport Modeling, 2nd Edition, Pergamon [ draft ]
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