Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering • University of California Irvine
CEE 225A Transportation Planning Models I

Spring 2021 [Course Code: 15940]
Instructor: Professor MG McNally <mmcnally-at-uci-dot-edu>
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  1. General References
    1. J.Ottensman (1986) Basic Microcomputer Programs for Urban Analysis & Planning
    2. N.Oppenheim (1980) Applied Models in Urban and Regional Analysis
    3. D.Kruekeberg and A.Silvers (1974) Urban Planning Analysis: Methods and Models
    4. M.Fujita (1989) Urban Economic Theory, Land Use, and City Size
    5. A.Anas (1987) Modeling in Urban and Regional Economics, Harwood
    6. Regional Science Web Book
    7. Rodrigue, J-P et al. (2002) Transport Geography on the Web
  2. Demographic Models
    1. A.Rogers (1985) Regional Population Projection Models
    2. R.Klosterman (1990) Community Analysis and Planning Techniques
    3. D.Pittenger (1976) Projecting State and Local Populations
    4. A.Rogers (1970) Matrix Methods in Urban and Regional Analysis
    5. S.Smith, J.Tayman, and D.Swanson (2001) State and Local Population Projections: Methodology and Analysis.
    6. W.Clark (1986) Human Migration
  3. Economic Analysis Models
    1. G.Hewings (1985) Regional Input-Output Analysis
    2. R.Klosterman (1990) Community Analysis and Planning Techniques
    3. W.Schaffer (1999). Regional Impact Models, Geogia Tech.
    4. NRDC Fiscal Impact Analysis
  4. Land Use Models
    1. K.Haynes and A.Fotheringham (1984) Gravity and Spatial Interaction Models
    2. G.Thall (1987) Land Use and Urban Form
    3. D.Foot (1981) Operational Urban Models
    4. AG Wilson (1974) Urban & Regional Models in Geography and Planning
    5. B.Reif (1976) Models in Urban and Regional Planning
    6. L.King (1984) Central Place Theory
    7. M.Webber (1984) Industrial Location
    8. C.Werner (1985) Spatial Transportation Modeling
  5. Transportation / Land Use
    1. S.Putman (1983) Integrated Urban Models
    2. D.Foot (1981) Operational Urban Models
    3. AG Wilson (1974) Urban & Regional Models in Geography and Planning
    4. B.Reif (1976) Models in Urban and Regional Planning
    5. A.Anas (1982) Residential Location Markets and Urban Transportation
    6. M.Batty (1976) Urban Modeling: Algorithms, Calibrations, Predictions
    7. UrbanSim Web Site
    8. MUSSA Web Site
    9. ILUTE Web Site
    10. TRANUS Web Site
    11. MEPLAN MEPLAN Review
    12. EMPACT Project Urban Growth Models
  6. Facility Location
    1. G.Rushton (1979) Optimal Location of Facilities
    2. Wesolowsky,GO (1993) The Weber Problem: History and Procedures, Location Science, 1, 5-
    3. RF.Love,JG.Morris,& GO.Wesolowsky (1988) Facilities Location: Models and Methods
    4. GY Handler & PB Mirchandani (1979) Location in Networks: Theory and Algorithms
    5. J-F Thisse & HG Zoller, eds. (1983) Location Analysis of Public Facilities
    6. Larson,RC and Odoni,AR (1981) Urban Operations Research
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