• UCI Transportation Courses 1999/2000
Electronic Education Environment

UCI Searchable Schedule of Classes
FALL 1999
CEE 10 Methods I: Computational Methods Regan
CEE 105 Methods III: Analysis of Uncertainty (now CEE 11) Regan
CEE 125 Transportation Engineering (now CEE 121) Ritchie
CEE 198 Transportation Engineering Project (ITE) McNally
CEE 220a Travel Demand Analysis I McNally
CEE 221a Transportation Systems Analysis I Jayakrishnan
CEE 226a Traffic Flow Theory I Jayakrishnan
CEE 283 Engineering Math Pardoen
CEE 295b CE Transportation Seminar Regan
Econ 210a Microeconomics I Skaperdas
Econ 220a Stats & Econometrics I Poirer
Econ 220d Stats & Econometrics IV Brownstone
Econ 285a Transportation Science Colloquium Lave
URP U202 History of Planning Bollens
URP U211 City Building Day
URP U218 Advanced Research Methods in Planning Boarnet
URP U242 Regional Development Theory Suarez-Villa
URP U253 Site Planning Worthington
SocSci 201c Sampling Techniques Newcomb
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CEE 115 Methods IV: System Models & Mngt (now CEE111) Jayakrishnan
CEE 126 Transportation Systems Anlys & Design (now CEE123) McNally
CEE 127 Traffic Engineering (now CEE 122) Recker
CEE 198 Transportation Engineering Project (ITE) McNally
CEE 220b Travel Demand Analysis II Recker
CEE 227a Transportation Logistics I Regan
CEE 228a Transportation Network Analysis I McNally
CEE 295b CE Transportation Seminar Jayakrishnan
Econ 210b Microeconomics II Ranjan
Econ 220b Stats & Econometrics II Iverson
Econ 224a Time Series Econometrics I Kawakatsu
Econ 285b Transportation Science Colloquium Mohring
URP U223 Regional Analysis Suarez-Villa
URP U237 Geographical Information Systems DeVoy
SocSci 201a Descriptive Multivariate Statistics I Newcomb
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CEE 128 Computer-Aided Geometric Design Akins
CEE 198 Transportation Engineering Project (ITE) McNally
CEE 223b AI Techniques in Transportation II Ritchie
CEE 227C Transportation Logistics III Regan
CEE 284 Engineering Decision and Risk Analysis Yang
CEE 295c CE Transportation Seminar Recker
Econ 210c Microeconomics III DeVany
Econ220c Stats & Econometrics III Tobias
Econ 285c Transportation Science Colloquium Fielding
URP U212 Transportation Planning Boarnet
URP U244 Land Use Policy Bollens
URP U275 Advanced Geographical Information Systems DeVoy
SocSci 201b Descriptive Multivariate Statistics II Newcomb
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  • Transportation Course *Plan* for 2003-2004
  • Transportation Course Listing for 2002-2003
  • Transportation Course Listing for 2001-2002
  • Transportation Course Listing for 2000-2001
  • Transportation Course Listing for 1999-2000
  • Transportation Course Listing for 1998-1999
  • Transportation Course Listing for 1997-1998
  • Transportation Course Listing for 1996-1997

• Know of a course not listed? Please e-mail me <mmcnally@uci.edu>

Last revised 31 July 2003