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Transport Course Descriptions
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• Current Transportation Courses [ The Art of Travel ] [ back to top ]
Vagvisare © S.Persson CEE 228a Transportation Network Analysis I [ Fall '24 ]
Analytical approaches and algorithms to the formulation and solution of the equilibrium assignment problem for transportation networks. Emphasis on user equilibrium (UE), comparison with system optimal (SO), mathematical programming formulation, supply functions, estimating origin-destination matrices, network design problems.
Traffic (untitled) © Chris Choi CEE 123/223 Transportation Systems III: Planning & Forecasting [ Spring '24 (Canvas) ]
Theoretical foundations of transportation planning, design, and analysis. Theory and application of aggregate and disaggregate models for land use development, trip generation, and destination, mode, and route choice. Transportation network analysis. Planning, design, and evaluation of system alternatives. (Design Units: 2)
Pearblossom Highway © David Hockney CEE 220C Travel Demand Analysis III: Activity-Based Approaches [ Spring '24 ]
The methodological underpinnings of activity-based travel demand modeling. Presents methodologies within the context of a generalization of discrete choice modeling approaches, emphasizing the distinctions that separate these two approaches and presenting appropriate mathematical and statistical tools to address these distinctions.
CEE 225a Transportation Planning Models I [ Fall '22 ]
Analytical techniques for the study of interactions between transportation systems design and the spatial distribution of urban activities. Development of models of demographic and economic activity, land use, and facility location. Forecasting exogenous inputs to existing transportation models.
CEE 225b Transportation Planning Models II [ s18; s16; s15 ]
Design and application of aggregate and disaggregate models for travel forecasting. Models of transportation supply. Network design and assignment methods. Calibration and evaluation. Regional modeling and traffic impact analysis. Design of transportation alternatives.
Hyperloop UniStu 3 Hyperloops, Bullet Trains, and Self-Driving Cars [ Spr '18 ; Spr '17 ; Spr '16 ]
Uber and ZipCar; fuel cell, electric, and hybrid vehicles; self-driving, connected, and autonomous vehicles; magnetic levitation and hyperloop transit. And still no flying cars. And whatever happened to telecommuting? What is the future of transportation? Despite the promise of all of these technologies, it might be bicycles and walking in denser communities.
CEE181 CEE 181a-b-c Senior Design Practicum I,II,III [ f16; w17; s17 ] [ f15; w16; s16 ] [ f14; w15; s15 ] [ Archives ]
Team design of a land development project including infrastructural, environmental, and circulation aspects. Focus on traffic impact studies, design of road layouts and traffic control; geotechnical and hydrological analysis; design of structural elements; economic analysis. Oral/written interim and final design reports. Laboratory sessions (Design units: 1-2-2)
Gas © Edward Hopper CEE 220a Travel Demand Analysis I [ w08; f05 ]
Fundamentals of transportation systems analysis. Theoretical aspects of travel demand. Travel behavior. Modeling of performance characteristics and costs of transportation modes. In-depth presentation of travel demand modeling techniques. The development of travel choice models including mode, route, and destination choice.
CEE 295c Transportation Problems I, II [ f15; w16; s16 ]
Transportation problems are gaps between desired and observed system performance. The process of identifying problems, generating and analyzing potential solutions, and assessing system impacts, is the Transportation Planning Process, a decision-making process leading to the formation of transportation plans and policies.
Essays in EST UniStu 3 Essays in Engineering, Science, and Technology [ Winter '05 ]
The paradox of the essay is that intimate and accurate detail of a subject from a defined and often personal point of view can lead to interpretations and generalizations of very broad scope. And all in typically very few words. The essay may well be the ideal symbiotic mechanism with which engineers, scientists, and technologists can broach subjects with broad non-technical ramifications from the relative safety of facts and figures of the technical world...
• Other UCI Transportation Courses [ back to top ]
Freeway (untitled) © Tony Peters CEE 121 Transportation Systems I: Analysis & Design ]
Introduction to analysis and design of fundamental transportation system components, such as highways and traffic systems. Basic elements of driver-pedestrian-road-vehicle performance, geometric design, pavement design, traffic flow modeling and analysis, and traffic forecasting.
CEE 122 Transportation Systems II: Operations & Control
Introduction to fundamentals of urban traffic engineering, including data collection, analysis, and design. Traffic engineering studies, traffic flow theory, traffic control devices, traffic signals, capacity and level of service analysis of freeways and urban streets.
Traffic (untitled) © Chris Choi CEE 123 Transportation Systems III: Planning & Forecasting
Theoretical foundations of transportation planning, design, and analysis. Theory and application of aggregate and disaggregate models for land use development, trip generation, and destination, mode, and route choice. Transportation network analysis. Planning, design, and evaluation of system alternatives. (Design Units: 2)
Ramp (untitled) © Tom Brown CEE 124 Transportation Systems IV: Freeway Ops & Cntl
Introduction to fundamentals of urban traffic control, including traffic monitoring, analysis, and design. Principles of traffic control devices, ramp metering, traffic signals, capacity, and performance analysis of freeways and urban streets.
CEE 125 Transportation and Environment
An overview of the environmental impacts of transportation, including regional air quality, global warming, and noise, as well as solid waste, water quality, and the health impacts of excess automobile use. The influence of cars on land use and the shape of cities. Policy options.
• Click HERE for a list of UCI transportation courses by academic year [ back to top ]

"The best thing for being sad ... is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails.
Learn why the world wags and what wags it.
That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by,
never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you."
The Once and Future King, T.H. White

"Poor young grandson, there's nothing I can say,
You'll have to learn, just like me, and that's the hardest way.
Ooh la la, ooh la la, la, la, la, yeah..." R.Wood & R.Lane

... Continuously evolving ...

[ Last modified: 8 September 2024 | terms of use | © mgm ]