Michael G. McNally • Academic Programs
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UCI offers interrelated degree programs in transportation, including Transportation Systems Engineering (BS, MS, PhD); Urban Planning & Public Policy (MURP, PhD); Transportation Economics (PhD); and the interdisciplinary graduate program in Transportation Science (MS, PhD). Advice for prospective students.

• Graduate Academic Programs [ back to top ]
Civil Engineering The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering in The Henry Samueli School of Engineering offers bachelors, masters, and doctoral programs in Transportation Systems Engineering with a focus on travel behavior, advanced technologies, intelligent transportation systems, advanced traffic management and control, and logistics [link to General Catalogue]
Transportation Science The Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Transportation Science combines elements of related transportation programs in Civil Engineering, Economics, and Urban and Regional Planning with an individually defined program [link to General Catalogue: TranSci PhD; TranSci MS ]
Planning The Department of Urban Planning and Public Policy in the School of Social Ecology offers both a professional Masters of Urban and Regional Planning degree program and a Ph.D. in Planning, Policy, and Design (as well as an UG minor in Urban and Regional Planning) [link to General Catalogue]
Economics Transportation Economics The Department of Economics in the School of Social Sciences offers a program of graduate study leading to the Ph.D. degree in Economics, including a graduate concentration in Transportation Economics [link to General Catalogue]
TransAlum TransAlum -- An on-line UC transportation alumni website and database developed for the University of California Office of the President and the University of California Transportation Center.
• Student Organizations [ back to top ]
The UCI ITE Student Chapter is an official student chapter of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). ITE, an international educational and scientific association, is one of the largest and fastest-growing professional transportation organizations in the world. ITE members include traffic engineers, transportation planners, and other professionals who are responsible for meeting society's needs for safe and efficient surface transportation.
• Student Fellowships & Internships: [ back to top ]
In addition to ITS, PSR, and UCI school and departmental opportunities, other annual fellowship opportunities include:
• UCI Academic Programs and Student Support: [ back to top ]

"Urban planners do too much too soon, and are proud of it;
Economists do too little too late, and are proud of it;
Engineers do what they are told, and are way too proud of it."
(Sandra Rosenbloom, 2003)

"Scientists discover the world that exists; engineers create the world that never was."
(Theodore Von Karman)

... Continuously evolving ...

[ Last modified: 8 August 2024 | terms of use | © mgm ]